Where Do I Keep 160 Litres Of Water For Water Change?


Fish Crazy
Aug 9, 2008
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Hi all - this is my first post here. Looks like a nice friendly forum!

I am currently cycling my 220 litre tank. Now at the end of the cycle I will have to do a large water change, some recommendations suggest as much as an 80% change! So here's my question. Where and how do I store 160 litres of de-chlorinated water prior to the water change? There is probably a really obvious answer to this - but I just can't figure it. (I really don't fancy leaving 16+ buckets of water sitting around the house, we have a 2 year old and she would find it a lot of fun hehe)
Hi all - this is my first post here. Looks like a nice friendly forum!

I am currently cycling my 220 litre tank. Now at the end of the cycle I will have to do a large water change, some recommendations suggest as much as an 80% change! So here's my question. Where and how do I store 160 litres of de-chlorinated water prior to the water change? There is probably a really obvious answer to this - but I just can't figure it. (I really don't fancy leaving 16+ buckets of water sitting around the house, we have a 2 year old and she would find it a lot of fun hehe)
i don't think there is any need to dechlorinate the water first. just fill the tank up and then add the chemical. or you could do it bucket by bucket if that's how you are doing the water change.
Thanks for the reply. Won't adding water with chlorine simply kill off all the bacteria, thus making the cycle process a waste of time?
Thanks for the reply. Won't adding water with chlorine simply kill off all the bacteria, thus making the cycle process a waste of time?

Yes, correct. DO NOT fill it up with non declored water as that will kill off the bacteria you have just made. Do it bucket by bucket, adding dechlor to each bucket. Its worth it in the long run.
You can do it by bucket if you wish adding dechlor to each bucket or simply fill up with a hose and add the right amount of dechlor for the amount of water BEFORE filling it up. A lot of us use hoses or pythons and just add the required amount (and a little more) of the dechlor as we fill :)
Thanks for the reply. Won't adding water with chlorine simply kill off all the bacteria, thus making the cycle process a waste of time?
No it wont, indeed i and many people do not use it at all! and i have yet to have a mass die off, even with 100% water changes. but you could switch your filter off till after you have filled the tank, for your own peace of mind..

Thanks for the reply. Won't adding water with chlorine simply kill off all the bacteria, thus making the cycle process a waste of time?

Yes, correct. DO NOT fill it up with non declored water as that will kill off the bacteria you have just made. Do it bucket by bucket, adding dechlor to each bucket. Its worth it in the long run.
in theory it could, but trying to find someone that it has happened too, more chance of winning the lotto. simply, in practical application, it is unlikely to happen!
i too fill up with no dechlor water (via hosepipe) then add the cechlorinator after - everything is fne :)

If you do want to store it, then get some large water butts.
Thanks for the reply. Won't adding water with chlorine simply kill off all the bacteria, thus making the cycle process a waste of time?

Yes, correct. DO NOT fill it up with non declored water as that will kill off the bacteria you have just made. Do it bucket by bucket, adding dechlor to each bucket. Its worth it in the long run.

Add dechlorinator to the tank & fill it up. Dechlorinator works almost instantly, you can fill with a hose instead of buckets.

Countless people have been doing this for years without a problem. I couldn't imagine having 100 five gallon buckets of water sitting around.
Thanks for all the replies! I may well go for the hosepipe suggestion then; makes things much easier.

Oh, and is an 80% water change after cycling a little excessive?
That would not be a problem after cycling. It's what you need to do if nitrates are really high, which is often the case after cycling.
For a "belt and braces job" turn off the filter(s) and heater, drain off the water - you could do 100% if you like, the water doesnt contain anything useful - thats all in your filter ! (some would say substrate too, but its so little as to be ignored)

Then I would add via a bucket, but its a lot of buckets ! So maybe do a couple to get a couple of inches of water, then add dechlor (dose for the WHOLE tank volume) and top her off with a hose.
Make sure the hose is clean, and run a couple of minutes to waste.
Then you can turn the equipment back on.

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