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  1. S

    Had A Nifty Plan

    right weve got a couple of fiberglass baths lieing around approx volume of 50gallons, whats stopping me from cutting a section from the side and installing a perspex window sealing it all in with fish safe silicone and bracing it then installing the apropritae sized heating and filteration to...
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    Our Large Pond

    YAY we have fry on a warm day when feeding small fry with come up to bath in the warm warter and nibble on bits of food most arent evn a cm long i cought a few and there in my 3g tank for monitoring ill transfer them to our small outdoor pond when they start to grow sorry i must of deleted the...
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    National Marine Aquarium In Plymouth

    would love togo there, great pics :good:
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    Promoting Planted Aquariums

    some really amazing tanks there 8)
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    The Behemoth Tank

    quite simply.............lost for words thats amazing
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    Do/should Bettas Eat Flake Food?

    for a while mine wouldnt touch normal tropical flakes so i forked out on betta flakes (£4!!!!) and they didnt touch them so i got a tub of dried bloodworms that they loved, in the end they began to take flakes but still much prefered bloodworms or live food
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    Found A Tank In The Wall

    wow lucky you the possibility are endless, as someone above mentioned.........make sure its water tight -_-
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    love my penguins
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    Dwarf Puffer Tank

    how cute i think its time i did a dp set-up :)
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    Diy... No More Water Changes!

    i like this idea although i have a 15g so it would all be totally pointless
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    Moon Lights

    is it a neon tube,,,,,,,,,if so more voltage i used a b lue neon hooked up to a mini 12volt battery and the neon had a transformer to pump up the voltage even more
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    I Think My Fish Have Gone Mad

    how strange never have i seed a cory feed from the surface
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    i had to go on google to find out what a mudskipper was..................its the fish from the Guiness adveret :lol:
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    My 30 Gallon

    wow lovely tank there and some gorgeous fish
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    My New Tank So Far

    real nice tank that :)
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    Dwarf Puffer Tank

    wish there was somewhere near me that stocked dp's :(
  17. S

    Nick's 55 Gallon Community Tank

    real nice tank love that black angel never been to keen on angles but that all black one is stunning
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    Yes, Yes, I Do Have Fish!

    lovely fish and a very nice set-up there :good:
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    Suitable Tankmate For Julii Cory

    as above, you'll need more corries they love big groups
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    New Pics Of 110 Gallon..

    love the tank and inhabitants 8)
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    Bi-orb Crash Course

    would sand be out of the question or a smoother gravel thinking about it though the bottom surface area probably isn't that big is it, as sujested before a centrepiece fish and some form of tetra
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    Misquito Larvae Story

    i started doing this in a small 2.5g tank with a simple bubble filter and some mucky water full of larve the fish loved the larve and the larve kept multiplying, a few days later im at my computer at night and theres several small mosquito type flys i then realised they'd hatched and flown out...
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    My New Guppy's Jumped Out On The First Night.

    real nice tank, truely stunning in a way a lid would ruin it
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    Most Expensive Fish Youve Seen In Your Lfs?

    ive seen one at £460
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    Ant - The Tank!

    loves that shark very nice tank
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    Fluval Duo 600

    very nice tank there i likes that :good:
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    Pics Of My 55 Gallon

    real nice tank you got there 8)
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    Internet Leak Cam...

    wow uber coolness
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    Superb Pic

    ahahahaah how cool
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    My Frogs

    are they white ? if so quite possibly african dwarf frogs you might need to aerate the bloodworms tip the contents into a large jam jar and use a dropper to collect a few at a time
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    Pics Of Our Tank

    real nice tank there, any updated pics? and what fish you got in there ?
  32. S

    Penguin Tetra Bully

    ahh many thanks my little book of fishes says just too keep in a small shoal and that they are a community fish.......and the lfs sold them £3.50 for 4......ill go get 2 more soon thanks again
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    Penguin Tetra Bully

    ive got a small group of 4 penguin tetras lovely little fish but one appears to be bullying the others and my neons and white clouds.......the corrys are a little bigger and scaryer so dont get bothered :hey: is this normal behavior maybe its just a male thinking its breeding time or...
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    My Corner 55g

    real nice tank there, you should be proud :)
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    My Duo 1000 Tank...

    impressive tank 8)
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    New Pictures Changed To Sand

    looks tons better with sand :good:
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    sand suits it alot better than gravel ;)
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    Fish Pics

    great shots there 8)