Do/should Bettas Eat Flake Food?


Fish Aficionado
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
Addingham, West Yorks (Near Leeds/Bradford)
got a betta last week and altho ive never watched for more than a few seconds after eating i havent seen him eat any of the flakes i put in there.

do i need to get a special betta food?

also can anyone ID what type he is from this?


thought he was a normal veil tail (is that the droopy kind?) when i left the shop with him but his fins alot more impressive than that (he flared at the snail in with him lol).
Yeah, he does look like a veiltail.

I feed my betta on tropical fish mini pelets, he eats em every time, also a few blood worm a couple of times a week as a treat.
ill have to pick some up 2morro.

after reading the thread about betta ID's i think hes a CT.

has the points on his fins.



looks more like that but his fins arent stiff like that or is it jus the photo making them look like that?
he is most probably a combtail which is a cross between a CT and VT. Still, a lovely betta and they normally only eat Frozen/Live or specific betta pellets :)

Mine will eat granulated food, live and frozen, you could try to granulated or pellet food, some fish prefer live but if they are hungry they'll try most anything.

Don't get disheartened you haven't had him long, it sometimes takes a week or more before they finally settle in, but remember to remove any uneaten food from the tank or you will end up polluting it. :good:
he is most probably a combtail which is a cross between a CT and VT. Still, a lovely betta and they normally only eat Frozen/Live or specific betta pellets :)


had a feeling a hybrid situation was coming along lol.

well thanx guys!

oh and the snail is amazingly good at eating all the food the betta isnt. i was really suprised at how good he was actually.
He's not a hybrid, all bettas are betta splendens (unless you buy other species) whichever tail type they are.
My betta used to spit out his flakes, but after a while he got used to them. Try and feed bloodworms once in a while to wet his appetite and then he most likely will accept his flake food more happily.
for a while mine wouldnt touch normal tropical flakes so i forked out on betta flakes (£4!!!!) and they didnt touch them so i got a tub of dried bloodworms that they loved, in the end they began to take flakes but still much prefered bloodworms or live food
Most bettas don't like flake food but I find once they get hungry they start to eat it. But I find it easier to clean out any extra pellets then flake food. I also found that my bettas pooed more when they ate flake food then when they ate pellets. Don't know why. *shrugs*

Bio-Gold Pellets are expensive but the best one you can buy C:
Hikari Bio-Betta Gold all the way baby!

i could never get bettas to eat flakes. and i get my bio-betta food cheap so i just feed it to them and deal with it.
mine will take anything, tetra pro, tetra prima, live food, frozen food, tetra delicia..... he'll happily munch on anything. Was funny when I gave him live brine shrimps the other day he looked like he didn't know what to do with them, took him ages to realise they were food and go after them
my betta really likes tetra colour enhancing flakes, they smell really strongly, i think thats partly it, the worse they smell, the more delicious they are, he prefers the flakes to his betta pellets and will bite down on them so violently that he jumps out of the water.... maybe his just a weirdo?

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