Pics Of Our Tank


May 5, 2006
Reaction score
This is our Rena Aqualife Classic 150x50.

Hope you like! :D




These were all taken straight after we planted it, about 6 weeks ago so most of the plants have doubled in size. Looks much better now!
:good: Gorgeous tank Bex. I love your wood and those plants are gorgeous. Have you got pics of your fish?

Keep well
Carmen :D
Thanks guys!

Got a few pics of the fish but it was getting late last night so will put some more on later! The fish in that tank are 3 platties, 2 silver sharks, 1 RTBS, 6 Cory Trilineatus, 1 L191 Royal Plec, 1 L075 Para Plec, 1 Albino Common Plec, 2 Featherfin Catfish, 6 Tiger Barbs and 1 Armoured Shrimp who we will never get a photo of cos he hides all the time!

No updated pics unfortunately samyboy as this camera was borrowed from a friend. All we have now is a camera phone. The plants have grown so much since these photos it's a bit more of a jungle in there now!

jayjay - got to love the moss balls! :lol:

More piccies to come in a bit! :good:

EDIT: There's a piccie of our cat Vivian in the pets section that's worth a peek!
great wood!!! must of cost a fortune excellent work

cheers gaz guildford!

Yeah, we spent about £80 on all the wood but it was worth it I think. Especially when you have plec that eats wood all the time! He'll never go hungry! lol!
wow love the tank and setup keep the good work up :drool: :good: whew that must of cost you alot around £500-700 right

Yep, it wasn't cheap. Try more towards the £800 and up mark!!! :crazy: The tank itself was on sale and LFS chucked a second internal in for half price. We just decided to go for it - it's mine and my hubby's Xmas pressie to each other for this year :lol: Santa came early! :santa:
One word will explain my emotions.


besides that -
excellent tank.

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