I Think My Fish Have Gone Mad


New Member
May 28, 2006
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Hi all, as you can see from my signature i have 4 platies and 6 sterbai cories. I added the cories last weekend and ever since they have all been acting strangely......

I will feed the fish in the morning and the platies (bless 'em) act like they have never been fed before and the cories dont really seem bothered. so i put in the platy food and they start to eat, until i put in the cory pellets, then they go for them while the corys swim away from the food as fast as they can.

Then when i go to leave the room all 6 of the cories swim to the top of the tank to eat the platy food

What going on, Platies eating at the bottom of the tank and cories eating at the top!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
That's weird! Maybe your corries are still settling in and will 'take on' the platies stealing their food later on. When my bristlenose was a baby I to wave my hand around in front of the tank to keep away the greedy loach gang whenever I dropped in some algae wafers so the BN could feed in peace for a while. Now he's bigger and can take care of himself!

Another thought, maybe your corries haven't been fed corry pellets before and need time to recognise them as food. All the best!
sound like they just like each others food :p well that shouldent be a problem. there just getting used too your tank and the ways of it. maby at the store you bought them from the corys would have to swim to the top to get food. aznd the platies they have been known to eat things like algae

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