My Frogs


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
couple of pics before i set them free (dont know what to feed them, tank to small and too warm for them)


no i read up on them and i know the lps sells crickets and various bugs but i cat really keep the frogs in these conditions for long so they have to go lol
Ah, I remember you mentioning that. Unfortunately, 'common garden frog' isn't a very helpful name. *laugh* They're not common everywhere, you know? I went to a few sites and several were labeled 'common'. Nifty frogs, though. Too bad you can't keep 'em.
nice pics. glad you're letting them go. UK's common frog is Rana Temporaria.
I brought some frogs from my lfs just labelled 'Aquatic Frogs'. They only grow to about 1.5" max and they go to the surface occasionally for air. The guy at the lfs said they would go with Tiger Barbs but the Barbs are nipping the frogs and the frogs are hiding under this rock. Another thing.... how long do Live Bloodworms keep for? I got a bag today and theres loads in there, definately too much for little froggies to eat. Will it be ok in the fridge cos its kinda smelly lol.
are they white ? if so quite possibly african dwarf frogs

you might need to aerate the bloodworms tip the contents into a large jam jar and use a dropper to collect a few at a time
are they white ? if so quite possibly african dwarf frogs

you might need to aerate the bloodworms tip the contents into a large jam jar and use a dropper to collect a few at a time

The white ones are clawed frogs and are not dwarf.

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