Yes, Yes, I Do Have Fish!


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 1, 2004
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Washington D.C.
Well. I haven't posted any fish pictures in...months, so I took some shots today. My tanks are not at their best, currently, since I am slowly dismantling things for the move. These are the only two half-decent tanks, currently. :blush:

10g Endler Tank (Usually a lot more filled in with plants, but I already pulled some out):

And my 90g, looking quite bare after I went crazy on a pulling spree :p :

And some fishies!

My "Japanese Blue Endlers":

One of my Angelfish:


My Kissing Gourami, who is pushing 9" :X :

And who doesn't love to see a Cory up close!

Or a snail, for that matter :huh:

Aaaaaand, now you can now make fun of my horrific photography skills. :lol:
Hey Annastasia,
Nice pics, love the angel fish! very cool. :good:
I was tempted to get a kissing gourami, not knowing when i was looking at them they were youngsters, didnt realise they get that big :p good thing i didnt get any!

Yeah those endlers are great, never seen them before, lovely blue. great pics, thanks for showing them
Gorgeous tanks Annastasia. Love the endlers, they are such a gorgeous blue. And your angel is so cute. Lovely albino cory too. :wub:

Great pics :good: .

Awww, thank you all for the nice replies! I'll have to show you the tanks when I get them set-up at the new house, they'll look 10 times better. :) And I'll have new fish!

Yeah, I was surprised to find those Endlers at my LFS. But they really look great against the plants, with their vibrant blue. :wub:
Those tanks are looking very good. My favorite is the endler tank. I must agree with everyone else that those are by far the best looking endlers I seen. Your 90 gallon will look much better when it has more fish, more plants and driftwood. I know that they will 10 times better later on.
Why does the 90g need more fish? It already has some Plecos, Loaches, Cories, and other nocturnal catfish in there. I'm not big on stuffing my tanks to the brim, anyway. :)

cane76 - Thanks! :*
Why does the 90g need more fish? It already has some Plecos, Loaches, Cories, and other nocturnal catfish in there. I'm not big on stuffing my tanks to the brim, anyway. :)

cane76 - Thanks! :*
Oh I did not know that it had all the fish you mentioned. By the look of the photo it look like it really did not have alot of fishes. I now know that you have plenty of fishes in the 90 gallon tank.
:lol: Thanks.

Yeah, you can't see many of them. But at night, with the moonlight, it's quite an active tank.

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