National Marine Aquarium In Plymouth

Jules H-T

Fish Addict
Jun 3, 2005
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Hey Guys,

Went to the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth this weekend, which has Europe's deepest aquarium.

Here are some pics.


Pic 1, Altantic Ocean (deepest in Europe)


Pic 2, Altantic Ocean #2 (deepest in Europe)


Pic 3, The Med


Pic 4, The Med. In this one you can see how the glass overhangs the viewing gallery. I estimate it was 3" perspex.


Pic 5, I think this was a box fish, someone may confirm.


Pic 6, Lion Fish

Pic 1, Carribean Reef #1, incl Black Tip Reef Shark


Pic 2, Carribean Reef #2, incl Loggerhead Turtle


Pic 3, Carribean Reef #3, Moray Eel


Pic 4, Carribean Reef #4, Can't remember this guy's name but he was the biggest thing in there!


Pic 5, Carribean Reef #5, Can't remember this guy's name but he was v. nice!

Pic 6, Carribean Reef, General smaller fish


Pic 6, Carribean Reef, Clown fish (they were nearly 2" long, bigger than I'd seen before)

When i did my dive course in malysia (well a small island inbetween malysia and tailand, but we were in malysia), i went snorkling in my lunch break with black tips :D

they are awesome in real life, and they werent too big either, about 1m maybe abit more, some smaller...
i have pics on my disposable underwater camera, but i havent got a scanner...

Nice pics ive never beeen to the plymouth aquarium, but ive seen the outside of it, cos my uncle has a boat at the marina behind it. There were alot of pollocks in that atlantic one :D

in the second post, the biggest fish, is that a sunfish?
No it looks more like a parrotfish to me, but its not a sun, cos hasnt got those fins on the top and bottom of the fish...At lesast i dont think so...
it looks alot like a groaper i saw diving in australia

Yep, it's Grouper. There are lots in the water around here actually, you need to go out deep though. They have incredibly scary teeth! As big as human teeth, and pointy. :-(
Pic 1, Carribean Reef #1, incl Black Tip Reef Shark

View attachment 38065

Pic 2, Carribean Reef #2, incl Loggerhead Turtle

View attachment 38066

Pic 3, Carribean Reef #3, Moray Eel

View attachment 38067

Pic 4, Carribean Reef #4, Can't remember this guy's name but he was the biggest thing in there!

View attachment 38068

Pic 5, Carribean Reef #5, Can't remember this guy's name but he was v. nice!

View attachment 38069
It looks to me that the fish in the last picture is a naso tang. But it can be a powder blue tang. Never know as when light is refelcted on fish it may look different.

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