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    i wants one
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    Female Feeding From My Hand

    she wasnt hungry or just camera shy
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    Pictures Of My Setup

    very nice, is that an R/C helicopter sitting on the hood?
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    Female Feeding From My Hand

    hehe okay ill try, saw a video on another forum where this female actually jumps for her food, and quite high
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    4 Litres

    he's a very sad little fellow i even added the femal to his tank try cheer him up, not the slightest intrest in her, she kept nudging him but just wont flare both are living happy together but im keeping a very close eye and theres a spare tank sitting right next to it if anything kicks off
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    Fighting Fish

    i thought it was illegal too
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    Who Knows About Gallons And Litres ,,

    like me then, missed the day they did maths :blink: plenty of convertors around though
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    4 Litres

    i put my old male in the new tank ad the new one in the larger tank to get pics of him he's a bit shy but very inteiged by the camera
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    Sand Out

    interesting array of fish you have there :)
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    New Goldies

    poor mr moor :(
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    Tanks A Lot

    Tank Size: 15 Gallons (Clear Seal) Occupants: 9x Neon Tetra 2x White Cloud Mountain Minnow 2x Bronze Corydora 2x Albino Corydora 1x Male Betta Filtration: Fluval 2plus Heating: Elite 50w Lighting: table lamp Substrate: Argos play sand Plants: 3 not shure what they are (living)
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    Sponge Filters

    DIY sponge filter
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    Female Feeding From My Hand

    oooh i have to try this hehe
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    Pre Conditioned Fighters

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i like 8)
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    4 Litres

    woooooooooooo betta #3 got him home filled his tank 50/50 old tank water and clean rain water he's slowly setteling in kept nose diving into the gravel to begin with then trying to jump but he seems happy now, his tail isnt that bad actually so ill give him a few days to let it fully heal then...
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    4 Litres

    hahaha good plan :P
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    4 Litres

    yeh 11 litres it is and im gonna try perswade my gf to have him once he's been nursed back to full health
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    My New Office Betta

    how cool, i want an office now just so i can have an office tank, if you were togo for some pandas id reccomend switching to sand
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    4 Litres

    1 US gallon acording to my calculations they also sell 11 litre tanks for £4.95 might get one of them instead then go on a resque mission
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    4 Litres

    just after some general opinons but is 4 litres enough for a single betta, i realise water changes would have to be almost daily but with a small ammount of gravel and a small plant would they be happy. reason i ask i was in the hardware store and they sell "goldfish" bowls for £1.85 each i...
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    Slate Caves Part 2

    fish should love them 8)
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    Feeding Ring

    so i noticed the lfs sells feeding rings for £1.99, floats on the surface of the water floating food is put in the ring this keeps all the food in one area of the tank thus making clean up easyer plus it doesnt get thrown around by the filter, anyway i decided that i wasnt paying 2 quid for...
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    When Water Ends Up On The Floor

    i think my fish would have to live in buckets if i ever had a leak glad you got it sealed fingers crossed thats it fixed for good :)
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    Tank Ornaments

    the only reason i have a brick and not a ship was the ship is like £10 and the brick was free
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    Axolotl Set-up

    think so wanted a dwarf puffer a while ago but the axaolt might come first
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    Female Feeding From My Hand

    shes still doing it, yet to catch her on camera though
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    Air Pumps And Stones?

    i have an air pump only have it on in hot weather as it makes so much noise
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    Which Make Of Tank?

    i use clear seal tanks as i like to purchase the tank filter and heater seperatly and didnt want a stand or hood to begin with
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    Stupid Tank Cloneing Question.

    WCMM in straight away good hardy fish just give them water changes every other day for the first few weeks
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    Tank Ornaments

    ive got a house brick in my smaller tank has 3 large holes through it for hiding places
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    so moral of the story would be not to use builders merchant lead? shame cut ive got loads glad i saw this thread though
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    Anyone Want To Meet At Wildwoods Tomorrow?

    ooh must be good stress free relief from the damn football, afraid im a bit far from the sounds of it :(
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    Betta In 20 Gallon Tank

    my betta got stuck against the filter intake when i first introduced him i quickly isolated the power to set him free and he's been fine since
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    Frozen Blood Worms

    i got dryed ones in a little container for £1.85 should last months and the bettas favour them over the £3.85 betta flakes i specially bought them (luckily the neons relish betta flakes)
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    Female Feeding From My Hand

    so id shut my computer down and evrything was about to climb into bed and realised my female betta hadnt had anything to eat all day (aww poor little baby) so i treated her with a feast of dried bloodworms the first couple she wolfed down i then found a long enough one to hold between my...
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    My 3.5g

    thanks for sharing :) im on the verge of buying a new tank and still not made a final decision on what to keep in it
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    Tank Backings

    i still have no backing, while were on he subject has anyone seen the 3D ones ?
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    turtles are like £50 in my lfs and terrapins are £175 :blink: :blink: i thought i read the price tag wrong to begin with :/
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    Axolotl Set-up

    thats it im getting another tank this week 8)
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    Fading Neons...with Age?

    un knowingly i gave them a light ovedose and they went pale changed the bulb and thier colours came back so how brigt are your lights and do they have foliage cover to shade themselves