4 Litres


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
just after some general opinons but is 4 litres enough for a single betta, i realise water changes would have to be almost daily but with a small ammount of gravel and a small plant would they be happy.

reason i ask i was in the hardware store and they sell "goldfish" bowls for £1.85 each

i was then in the lfs a few doors down and i saw a poor male being washed around in the water current from the filter he had a torn tail :( i nearly bought him but £3.95 :/

:edit: shall i go save him -_-
4 litres is 1 us gallon (just over) many believe it should be at least 2.5 us gallons but they can be kept in a gallon. Could you not get anything bigger for him? As he definately sounds like he needs to be rescued
1 US gallon acording to my calculations

they also sell 11 litre tanks for £4.95 might get one of them instead then go on a resque mission
Yay rescue mission! i'd go for the 11 litre for only a couple quid more he could be so much happier! Goodluck
Make sure you get some pictures for us too!
You should give him as a present then it would be rude to say no and she'll love him I'm sure
woooooooooooo betta #3 got him home filled his tank 50/50 old tank water and clean rain water he's slowly setteling in kept nose diving into the gravel to begin with then trying to jump but he seems happy now, his tail isnt that bad actually so ill give him a few days to let it fully heal then place his tank next to the females (trying to avoid flaring with tail in current condition) omg asked the guy for a male fighter "which one"......"you have more?" so tempted togo back and buy another one tomorrow
i put my old male in the new tank ad the new one in the larger tank to get pics of him he's a bit shy but very inteiged by the camera


he's a very sad little fellow i even added the femal to his tank try cheer him up, not the slightest intrest in her, she kept nudging him but just wont flare both are living happy together but im keeping a very close eye and theres a spare tank sitting right next to it if anything kicks off
I think something will kick off, and quickly as soon as he's feeling a bit better. I'd get her out and back to her own tank ASAP. He'll settle in by himself soon enough.
Some are just shy. I have a boy who I have never seen flare, and I've had him since April. He bubblenests, swims around a ton, eats good. He has boys and girls surrounding him, but he doesn't flare. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. They just aren't hyper like alot of bettas are. :nod:
put the 2 smaller tanks next to each other, he flared after a while but just stood there looking at the other one going crazy........i can tell what was going through his mind........."you sad sad little fish :grr: "

the female is enjoying the big tank and the free space to explore, i want some more females :)

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