Female Feeding From My Hand


Fish Addict
May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Leicestershire, England
so id shut my computer down and evrything was about to climb into bed and realised my female betta hadnt had anything to eat all day (aww poor little baby) so i treated her with a feast of dried bloodworms the first couple she wolfed down i then found a long enough one to hold between my fingertips and she gingerly took it and gu;ped it down, again she took it slowly and gobled it up i now found my fone and am ready to film her and shes had her fill or got camera shy.

just had to share that with you all and ill try catch her on film doing it tomorrow evening (oh i tryed it with the male he shot off soon as my hand appeard above him)
thats pretty nifty!!! i tried the same thing w/ my betta last night and it worked. He jumped out of the water and got the bloodworm
Hehe! She was a bit indecisive wasn't she! :p I'll try to get a video of James jumping for food tomorrow, i doubt a camera would be enough to put him off his dinner. :lol:

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