Axolotl Set-up

How big is your axolotl clay roper?

I have never seen one that 12 inches like people say they can get to. You think mine will get any bigger, how fast do they grow?
Mine is about 25cm and it all realy depnds on the conditions of der environment such as food temrature how clean it is and other things
Seidge, your axie is a young one, still a child. They become adults at approx 12-18 months, and the adults usually measure 8-12inches. Mine is a very funny, entertaining female, 1 year old. She absolutely loves riding the bubbles as yours does, and sometimes also attacks the bubbles.Too funny,haha. As yours is already taking food you dangle in front of her face, you could try putting your hand a tiny bit nearer to her while giving her food, and after some time she will hopefully be tame enough to eat from your hand. And if she accidentally bites you, don't worry. Just keep your hand still, and after a while she will let go. By no means pull your hand out of the tank with axie hanging on to it,eek.Haha :)
LOL :hyper:

She is getting the hang of feeding from my hand, she is doing it more quickly each time. Still not keen on pellets though. She will only eat these if they are dropped near her, and i think she only eats them by mistake as she is startled by them she snaps em up.
I'm talking #### am I? Well here's this quoted from the Axolotl website "an adult axolotl can reach anything from 18 to 35 cm in length (7-14 inches)." and also SherriSixxx seems to know what she's talking about too. So there we go then eh? Maybe I was a bit wrong about the size of the tank, but to keep it very happy and active it would need a bigger tank than they recommend IMO. Next time do a bit of research before telling me I talk ####.

I have been studying them for 4 yrs so (mod edit). I think i know what i am talking about
here is some pics of der eggs for u siedge

Erm lets keep civil please, u wanna fight take it outside. NO SWEARING

Thanks for all your comments people, i am really getting the hang of looking after my axie, we are getting on just fine.

Thanks for pictures of the eggs. I hear they are difficult to breed so u must be doing something right. :D
This is a family forum, is there any need for this sort of language.

I'm with Neal on this, bigger tanks are imo better for an animal that has the potential to get to the size these can.
Na seidge they are very easy to breed i came home 1 weekend and they wer just der lol so they are easy raising them is the hard bit
besides being inappropriate, really, it's silly to get so worked up over someone disagreeing with you, clay. I think the point people were trying to make isn't that you CAN'T keep them in a ten gallon tank, but that at the size they can get to, they might appreciate a little more room to swim. You said yourself that they are very active animals. We provide tank space based on the maximum size of an adult fish and how active it is, why not for an amphibian that could reach 12-14 inches? That's about the size of an adult koi or pleco, i believe, and they aren't kept in 10 gallons.

anyway, if you disagree so strongly that you have to curse me out, feel free. I'm above being affected by someone who can't civilly tell me why they have an opposing opinion. Just remember that years of research doesn't stand up to experience and if you've never given the animals a bigger space than ten gallons to swim in, then you can't say that they wouldn't be happier or look better with more room. Breeding is not necessarily a factor in an animal's health or happiness. Livebearers will breed even if every fish is sick and the tank is already horrendously overstocked and neglected, I have seen video of bettas breeding in a clearly overstocked community tank, and most, if not all mammals will breed, as far as i know, irregardless of the conditions of their environment.

I am sure that you care about your animals and want the best for them. It's obvious in how strongly you defend how you keep them, but nobody was attacking you, we were only presenting our own opinions on the matter.
I'm not going to say no more, but thanks moray for agreeing with me, let this guy do what he wants because apparently he knows what he's doing, this doesn't mean I agree with you by the way, I just really don't want to argue and whatever I say you won't listen so why bother?


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