When Water Ends Up On The Floor


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
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UK, Nr Chester

Well imagine my surprise and anger at my tank this morning, when I found it sat in a pool of water... :blink:

I think the seals may have gone slightly as it seemed to be a slow leak... :/ SO I cant tell yet waiting for the tank to dry first.

had to rush out and buy a cheap tank, well cheap its was like £60 :-( that I aint got.

Plus its a 20gal not the 33gal that they were in before, hopefully though it'll be fixed if it needs fixing by the end of the week, then I'#ll have another tank to stock woohoo!!
sorry to here about that.

hope you find out where the leak is

I think I found the leak and I've sealed it, just gotta wait two days now for it dry :huh:

I let it dry for a few hours, and then filled the tank with water (this is before I sealed it)

I left it for half an hour and just watched it. I saw a series of small bubbles appearing along the back corner of tank. I wiped the bubbles away and they came back :grr:

So I emptied the tank, and then dried it with a towel and then pinched my sisters hair dried and throughly dried the tank.

I have covered the offending area in a thick layer of sealant, so hopefully its fixed it.

NOW I have another 20gallon tank to fill yay!!

but where I'm gonna put it I have no idea lol
Good work, ?tudz! :thumbs: It seem that you kept a cool head in what could have been a nerve wracking situation. :D
Well done!! Im still scared about the whole "tank leaking" situation, i know its just waiting to happen to me!!!

Nice sneaky way of getting another tank ;)
Well done!! Im still scared about the whole "tank leaking" situation, i know its just waiting to happen to me!!!

Nice sneaky way of getting another tank ;)

me too, sure one day one of them will go :/

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