My 3.5g


The BE-Team Fighting For Betta Extermination
Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
Gloucester, England
i started up two 3.5g tanks one for fry the other for killi fish, tell me what you think about the main tank, i'll add the fry tank pics up even though there's no fry. the tanks are both the same clear seal 12"x8"x8" tanks.

the fry tank no light

fry tank with light

main tank



the fry tank has hornwort in it, the main tank has twisted vallis, java fern, java moss, a crypt and water lettuce.

no fish in either yet, waiting on killi fry to hatch.

i can't get up any pics of my other tanks as they are not in my room and i'm using a webcam to take these pictures, so sorry there not the best of quality.

cheers for your opinions.

Those tanks look great, especially the main one, love the planting. :good:

Keep us posted on the killifish progress! Are you going to buy the killi eggs as you said you might do or fish?
if only i had a digi cam still to take some better pics lol.

hey geo, i have the eggs, i haven't spoken to you for a while so, i bought 20 eggs, micro worm culture and grindal worm culture, now it's just a waiting game with the eggs until they hatch.

2 great tanks there:good:...............just realised my 2 gallon is actually the same one as you have so ive gained a gallon for free.................hmmmmmmmmm what todo with it then :hey:
so some updated pics.

whole tank shot

one of the new fish in there

the fish are 3 baby BN's just using this tank until they are big enough to move into my 80g.

ty very much hel :D

just want a few more plants now, some amazon swords maybe an anacharis

not my main tank, the main tank of my bedroom though lol.

ty for your comments.

fluval 1 + with spray bar, full details are in the plant section pinned topic on members planted tanks. (sound like a tv programme lol)

mine is the last profile atm my tank profile

i bought my killifish eggs from 'amerce' on this forum along with my microworm and grindal worm cultures she was very helpfull to me.

2 have hatched so far and hopefully they are male and female so i can breed them.

just need to get say 4 more plants and the tank will be set i think.

amazon swords and Anacharis are what i'm after now.


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