

Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
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glenside, pa
why are there tank decorations and the like use lead as weights? Lead is dangerous to people, surely it would take even less to be bad for fish... :X And isn't there some risk of lead poisoning in people, too?
hmm... that doesn't sound like it could be true. Not that that doesn't mean that people aren't putting that out there, but many species can live about ten years, and some, like goldfish, up to 20. I would think that would be way more than enough time. Where people more often would be exposed through ingestion or inhalation when in a certain area, fish are eating, breathing, and living in it at all times.
I unknowingly had lead in my tanks, it came with the plants. I dont think it really affected them ????

many species can live about ten years, and some, like goldfish, up to 20.
By the way, goldfish can live for 50 years, Bichirs can live for more than 30, neon tetras can live to 10, and sturgeons can live for many hundreds of years. Many fish can live far longer than dogs or other mammals, because of their slow heart beat rate.
yikes, i didn't know that about sturgeons or birchirs. And my goldfish best not live that long because i'm not doing water changes on a 29 gallon when I'm 72 ( :lol: )

was the lead in there long? And was it exposed to the water? I'm relaly curious about this now...
i cant remember exactly but theres something like 2 types of lead.

soft lead leaches into the water and is bad.

(cant remember what the other was called so ill guess)

and theres hard lead which we get on our plants and thats safe for in water.
Lead doesnt posion fish because when in water it reacts quickly and a coating is formed, which stops any chemicals from leaching out.... i think!
well they call the graphite in pencils lead still.... there was probably a time when they used lead in aquariums.... a longggg time ago

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