Fading Neons...with Age?

Mar 17, 2005
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Just curious, is it posible for neons to lose their vibrant colors with age? What is the average life expectancy for neon tetras does anyone know?
I have heard 4-5 years, but I have to admit, in the days when I was keeping neons, my fishkeeping skills were not such that I actually got to test this. Haven't heard of colours fading with age, but it seems like the sort of thing that could happen. As you no doubt know, fading colours can also be a sign of NTD- but I would be surprised if that's the only thing it can mean.
I have heard 4-5 years, but I have to admit, in the days when I was keeping neons, my fishkeeping skills were not such that I actually got to test this. Haven't heard of colours fading with age, but it seems like the sort of thing that could happen. As you no doubt know, fading colours can also be a sign of NTD- but I would be surprised if that's the only thing it can mean.


What does NTD mean?

neon tetra disease

they're not v hardy fish and are quite succesptible to illness

I got a shoal of neons with my first tank 5 yrs ago (ah the memories!) and some have died off, still got 3 going strong and they're colours are absolutely fine.

Fading colour in any fish can be a sign of disease or poor water conditions, I'd test you water and check everythings OK :)
Fading colour is not a sign of old age and neons can reach 4-6 yrs!

It is usually a sign of ill health, is the fading general all over - check water quality; or in patches which is usually NTD. If one of your neons dies and you think it was from NTD rember to remove the corpse as soon as possible.... ...this is due to the rather unappealing trait of other fish picking over the remains - this spreads the diesease to unaffected fish! :(

un knowingly i gave them a light ovedose and they went pale changed the bulb and thier colours came back so how brigt are your lights and do they have foliage cover to shade themselves
neon tetra disease

they're not v hardy fish and are quite succesptible to illness

I got a shoal of neons with my first tank 5 yrs ago (ah the memories!) and some have died off, still got 3 going strong and they're colours are absolutely fine.

Fading colour in any fish can be a sign of disease or poor water conditions, I'd test you water and check everythings OK :)

Yeah it is NTD unfortunatly, so i gotta euthanise mine as its now gotten quite far spread amoungst them :( .

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