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    do i have too many fish in there?

    sounds fine... hope you added them gradually
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    cleaning gravel

    i thought most of the benificial bacteria lived in ur filter .... i think its ok to clean your gravel out nice and clean
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    peacock eel

    cool thats the same size tank i have but im gettin a 55
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    peacock eel

    i have a peackock eel and hes a cool fish is he a good fish to hvae or is he bad for the tank??
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    peacock eels

    i bought a peacock eel at my local pet shop and hes a perfect angel never bugs n e one r they good to hvae or r they something u dont want?? :dunno:
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    light on at night or not??????

    fish like to have time when ppl arent constantly lookin at them.. also my peacock eel comes out only at night
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    cloudy water

    there is a chemical made by DR>fish that clears it up but dont depend on it ... u can buy it for like 2.50
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    Normal behavior?

    my danio does the same tihng its pretty normal
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    my pleco

    ok good i was worried that he was sick or somethin cuz he is a big boy so i should have expected it
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    my platies...pregnant??

    i have a femal (miss about to be mama??)platy and she has gotten pretty fat quik..could this be that she is pregnant or is she just chubby?? :lol:
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    how much do i feed my fish

    i feed my fishies 2 times a day in smaller portions and they r happy and now alittle fat :lol:
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    i found some snails in my tanks today... i took the 1 out that i found but later i found another... are these sanial ok in the tank??
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    my pleco

    my pleco always seem to have really big poops eaither hanging off him or cought on one of the this normal??
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    water bridge

    i tied one like that andi cant keep the water in the tubes at the do u keep the water in there??
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    D.I.Y aquarium stand and hood

    hey thats pretty cool 8)
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    connecting two tanks with a pvc pipeway

    wouldent it be kind of cool to have a water birdge that goes all around your room.... it would be a little fish adventure
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    home sweet home.....

    i would add a ship or somethin that that they can hide in... and i would but 2 thata would decrease the chance of them getting territorial about who gets the hiding place
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    tiger barb emergency-***please help me***

    maybe the benificial bacteria hasent built up enough yet :dunno:
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    Fin Rot

    it might be but it might just be getting nibbled mollies got nibbled untill her fins were gone :byebye: ......BY A DANIO!
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    Boycott the walmart fish!

    i complained to the wal-mart manager and all he said to was "well sonny we arent a pet store" i told him u could at least get all of the dead fish out of the water....i usually go to a pet shop by my house and i told them and they are going to help me to get them to stop selling fish if they...
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    pet of the month??

    awww thats soooo cats just eats ans sleeps and occasionally snuggles with me
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    need a cute name for puppy

    how bout katie or crystal
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    I need help

    i bought 2 sick platies from wal-mart (i knew they were sick from the nasty water) and i brought them home and put them in the tank (made sure not ot put the water form the bag in the tank) and now they are much happier now.....i did the same with my pleco (i cant stand goin into to walmart and...
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    Swordtail/Platy Breeding

    hmm thats weird how fish of other species stay together i have a male platy and a female that always hang out together to stay away from my mean danio..any chance the mollie and platy will breed??
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    you can check the fin on the bottom closest to the tail fin. if its fanned out its a female but if it tucked right against the platy its a male maybe you fish just has a little too much to eat :lol:
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    here are some of my

    the second one is soo cute i want him :whistle:
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    POTM pictures...Look pwease?

    by the look of the remote in the 2nd pic we both have the same surrond sound!!! lol :P
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    My monkey cats

    my neihbor has a kitten that kinda looks like zion hes soo cute and full of energy
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    that happened to my friends dog it was soo scary watchin it happen hope he gets better
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    my gourami

    my gaourami is a blue gourami and he eats out of my hand all i do is put my hand in the tank with some tropical fish flakes and it comes over and eats it and occasionally nibbles my fingers
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    PICKLE PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!

    those are soooo cool and whoever sais that u have a rat problem doesent deserve to cool pets liek that
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    2 things 1: my gourami looks like he might have velvet.i saw a pic and i looked at my gouurami and it looked a little like that but much much you think he has it?? 2: what are signs of a healthy pleco???
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    Help, stubborn amonia

    i had the same ammonia problem and lost all but 2 of my fish to it.. i went to my local pet store and they told me that when you change the filter cartridge it removes benificial bacteria and spikes the ammonia they gave me some "dirty" water that had the bacteria in it and we used some ammonia...
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    how do i clean gravel?

    you could probaby buy a new bag of gravel its not that expensive
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    mollies are pretty easy to breed
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    im new, so i have lots of questions

    well if you have a 60 gallon tank you could go by the rule and put in 60 inches of fish but i would put in less seeing fish grow
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    Fish deaths!

    i would be soo sad if my platinum gourami died.. hes sooo fun to watch play with my pleco and eat
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    Hurt Gourami

    could it be a kind of sickness or deasease??
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    My ride

    hmmm that did look real in the first 1 i thought"o man that cars amazing" then i relized it was a toy lol :cool:
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    i think something is i wrong with my gourami

    HELP my i have 2 gouramis a platinum and a opaline.the opaline(female) has a bump behind its dorsel fin andis always on the bottom. whats wrong with her??? what should i do???