cloudy water


New Member
Jul 15, 2004
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I set up anew tank a few weeks ago and everything was fine. However although I have been doing weekly water changes adding bacteria etc, my water is extremely cloudy. Any ideas???????
When you say cloudy is it white colour?

If it is white then its probably a bacterial bloom and regular water changes will help to clear it (eventually). By regular i mean 2 - 3 smaller changes per week. If you're adding bacteria as well stay within the stated dose and try and add it to the filter intake (or directly into the filter depending on what type you have), that should also help.
Has your tank cycled? Are you testing for ammonia and nitrites? Do you have fish in the tank?

What type of bacteria are you adding? IMO, none of the stuff on the market does anything for you, with the possible exception of Bio-Spira. The other stuff is a waste of money.
ok i have cloudy white water aswell is a bacterial bloom a good thing?i only set up 2 days ago and added some nutrafin cycle that came with tank.
fisheyes said:
ok i have cloudy white water aswell is a bacterial bloom a good thing?
It's good in that it's necessary in order for the cycle to complete. But it might mean that your ammo and nitrite levels are high and causing stress for the fish. You should really read the link I posted above if you haven't already.

The Nutrafin cycle is probably not doing much for you. I realize it came with the tank so it didn't cost you anything, but I wouldn't recommend buying any more once you run out.

Good luck.
don't have no fish yet and the test thingy i done say i had no nitrite and only 10mg per litre of nitrate.what kinda test kits do people recomend?
gb2004 said:
I set up anew tank a few weeks ago and everything was fine. However although I have been doing weekly water changes adding bacteria etc, my water is extremely cloudy. Any ideas???????
If you are adding bacteria, I assuming you are doing fishless cycle. Why are you doing water changes?
canarsie11 said:
gb2004 said:
I set up anew tank a few weeks ago and everything was fine. However although I have been doing weekly water changes adding bacteria etc, my water is extremely cloudy. Any ideas???????
If you are adding bacteria, I assuming you are doing fishless cycle. Why are you doing water changes?
Yeah that's a good question. The fact that you're doing a fishless cycle would've been nice to know earlier, which is why I asked if there were fish in the tank.

What are you using to guide you through the fishless cycle process? Did you read any of the info in the link I suggested? Please read it, I'm sure many of your questions will be answered. :shifty: :hyper: :D

As far as test kits, you'll need 3: ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. There are different kinds available... liquid or little paper test strips. I've only used the liquid. They are much more economical and I hear they're more accurate.
there is a chemical made by DR>fish that clears it up but dont depend on it ... u can buy it for like 2.50
gb2004 said:
I set up anew tank a few weeks ago and everything was fine. However although I have been doing weekly water changes adding bacteria etc, my water is extremely cloudy. Any ideas???????
The tank was set up roughly four weeks ago. There are fish in the tank, some guppies mainly. They have come from another tank I had as did most of the water.
for the first few weeks the nitrate and nitrite levels were very low. nitrate is still lower than 10 but nitrite is very high. The fish seem very happy at the moment. :)
Its called cycle bacteria, it was recommended by my lfs when i explained my problem

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