Swordtail/Platy Breeding


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
I just bought a few more swordtails and platies for my 10 gallon tank (if you want to see pictures of them, go here :p ). I now have three male swords, one male platy, and three female platies. Now I know that swordtails and platies will breed with each other to make swordtail/platy crosses, but I was wondering if I have to do anything special for them if they do? I mean they are pretty similar types of fish, I just want to be prepared for it if it happens... :shifty: :hey:
tell me how many swordtails and platies are in the tank and i'll tell you if you have a chance of any swordtail/platy crosses :p .
ohhhh, i'm sorry, i thought those were the fish you just bought at the store. :whistle:

sorry lol :lol:

From what i've heard, you need not do anything special too get hybrids :alien: , the only thing i see wrong is the fact you have four male fish to three females....your supposed to have about one male to three females.
Ok thanks. :p Yeah, I know the rule about having more females than males, but I like the males sooo much better! lol! If they dont' breed, I don't care too much, but if they do...then YAY!!! :rofl:
Xavier, I'm not too sure as two are brand new to the tank, but I would say either the Neon Sword or my red speckled Sword (who had been in the tank for about two weeks now).
Well, they are out in the living room, so I can keep a very close eye on them. And if it does get to be too much for them, I can always move some of them to my 25 gallon. It still has room for a few more fishies. :D
:D well with the females to males law it rely deprnds on the males agression. i mean i had 2 male guppys and 1 female but one of the males was pretty mello and rely didnt bother the female but the other male was all over her. it also helps that if ur gunna b haveing more males that u have femals that can say no and fight back
lol! Well, I seriously don't think I'm going to get any fry from anyone! I was watching them for about three hours straight last night (because I was just that bored :p :lol: ) and I noticed the females were taking care of themselves and actually charging the males when they came near. :lol: The male swords are so preoccupied with chasing each other that I don't think they've even noticed the females, and the male platy...? Well, he's pretty shy and likes to hang out with my plec! :lol: :rofl:
hmm thats weird how fish of other species stay together i have a male platy and a female that always hang out together to stay away from my mean danio..any chance the mollie and platy will breed??
hell yah :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: . prettyboy and big mama wont keep their fins off each other EVEN THOUGH i bought him bubbles and perdita 2 days ago he wont go near them.
You know Xavier, there is no chance of prettyboy and big mama pruducing fry...they may breed alot but their genes are too different too combine at all, so there will be no fry from those matings, big mama may have babies but probably from sperm she stored from a mating with one of her own kind.

P.S. Platy's and Swordtails can crossbreed, but mollies can't with anything.
:) I have a beautiful red swordtail/platy cross. He looks like a mixture between the two; wider body than a swordtail and longer than a platy. I have pictures of him if you're interested to see what he looks like. :fish:

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