Boycott the walmart fish!

i complained to the wal-mart manager and all he said to was "well sonny we arent a pet store" i told him u could at least get all of the dead fish out of the water....i usually go to a pet shop by my house and i told them and they are going to help me to get them to stop selling fish if they arent goin to take care of them!
I agree I think all walmarts needs to stop selling them because they kill alot of peoples fish they tell them all they can go right into your tank lol and my add on is and yeah the whole tank will have white spots in about 5 hours....
disagree. any lfs or store could be bad. chain stores especially. some are good. some arent. you cant make all stop because a few are bad. there is one walmart though that I went to that doesnt sell fish.
i dont think all walmarts should stop sellng fish, they just need to hire pros who know wat their doing, and stop useing those stupid big ass filters for all the water.
Inchworm said:
Can you imagine what it must be like for the fish who are being shipped from the distributor or a central warehouse by truck? It must get very hot in there, and that alone can stress the fish to the point where they become ill.
I just want to say that as long as a truck is moving the inside of it doesn't get real hot (my husband is a truckdriver) plus most fish are shipped in Styrofoam coolers. ^_^

I must agree that most Wal-Marts don't know anything about fish. The Wal-Mart here has one employee that knows some about fish, but I have heard her give some bad advise and the fish always seem to be sick. She is only there during the day and if you want fish in the evening you have to call the front desk and have someone come back. In most cases I was temped to just do it myself. Once I had the maintenance man do it, he didn't even wash his hands and they looked like they had paint or something all over them, and I had to tell him which fish were which and how to put the #'s on the bag. :crazy:

Telling the manager doesn't make much difference. The Managers in most Wal-Marts change areas every 6 months (My mom works at Wal-Mart) Also writing to the main office doesn't seem to help either, I have done that. I have thought about applying for the pet department, but they don't hire people for 'fish knowledge' the people that work in that department are also lumpers (unload the trucks) and stockers, so that is what they are looking for when they hire. I don't know about your Wal-Marts but ours is always understaffed but they say they aren't.

I just don't buy fish there anymore :/
everyone that gets fish at our walmarts don't want fish they are using them as feeder fish $0.28 and the feeder fish are all fish that were left over from all tanks warm and cold water they put them together and have 100 fish in a 10g tank
They do that everytime they get new fish in...I don't really care if they sell them or not I just wish they would find someone who knows what they are doing..... they have a manager now just for the fish probably because so many people were getting mad that the manager from the front of the store didn't want to take care of it anymore......
some people don't care.......I'm a house wife and love my job, taking care of the house, the dog ,our fish, Husband when he gets home....
To bad people at wal marts don't care for fish like that...
15 !!!!!!!
lol I was thinking you were 17 cousin is 15 and I use to babysit him, and he is so grown up !!! lol now I feel really old !!!!! Thanks!!!!!

lol ur welcome phlysa :lol: , im goin to super walmart tomarrow, im very interested in a couple lepard corys and a lepard plec, their the only fish place that has them. their fish looked a bit better last time i went so maybe they wont b to bad.

this is where i need u guys's help, wat should i do wit the new fish, i dont wanna put them streight in because they could diseas my godd fish lol :D

im thinking of just keeping them in a goldfish bowl for a week and treating them with salt and suff, wat do u guys think? :/

by the way i went on vacation and only lost 1 fry because my dad fed them the wrong food :p but thats ok, iv got like 12 or so left ;)
:) Guppy dude keep them out of your main tank for two weeks.... I only waited a week and all mine died but the two 7 month old female one I already had and one new....... I lost all my males and everything I still have 64 fry I lost a few more but I think she had them to soon.... so now what i'm going to do it go to a fish store where I know they don't have anything and get a male.......
Doesn't really matter where I get them from they are going to have something anyways...... but i'm not doing that for a few weeks and I know all my fish are doing good......

:rofl: You young people lol I really did think you were 17 oh well your a very nice young man..... :nod:

I didn't know if you were reading my other post but I lost my fish to Ick Fin Rot and some hole in their side lol don't know what that was.....

Well good luck with the fish and let me know how it goes lol
ya iv heard a number of cases recently about guppys developeing holes in their sides, its kinda odd. im not sure if its sum kinda parasite or wat :dunno:
Strangely, every fish that I've gotten from walmart is still alive. Here is Las Cruces, nm the 2 walmarts seem to take care of their fish. Their tanks aren't very clean though. My big oscar I got at walmart. He only had 1 eye when I got him though. We call him blindy now.

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