My monkey cats


Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
This my Squishy. He weighs 18 lbs. and is the most gentle cat I've ever had. He starts purring as soon as I step in the room. My friends call him the neighborhood slut because he loves anyone and everyone. But don't let his chubby good looks fool you. He's trouble too. He knocked the lid off Otis and Cletus's tank at 3:45AM yesterday. :S

This is my Zion. He has many nicknames: ZiZi, Zido, Monkey, Baby Jangles etc. He's a chatterbox. Zion is super smart. If he wants something, he'll figure out a way to get it. He is the hunter in the family. This picture is of Zion feeding himself. We'll often come home and find every cupboard in the kitchen open. :lol:

And finally, here is a picture of my boys cuddling. They take care of each other. :wub: Sometimes they embrace each other when they're sleeping. Notice Squishy's fat belly! :wub:

can I nominate Zion's first piccy for the POTM? I love his eyes - incredible. I love his exression too. "Now, whats the best way to get that bag open?"
Aw, cute cats Ry, now you made me want a cat even more :lol: But, 1st I need to work on getting a mini aussie, then Ill go for a cat. :D
I want me a doggie! But my cats sometimes act like dogs . . . :lol: Just can't take them to the beach :/

Thanks for the compliment Syn. I'll give them extra kisses tonight and tell them how beautiful they are for you.

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