how much do i feed my fish

First of all, tstenback was right, you should go to the oddball section and find out more in general, considering you already have the puffers but you don't know what they eat. If your pygmy puffers are dwarfs (since everyone seems to have different names for them) then they eat snails. Next time try not to jump down the throats of people when they are really trying to help, and go to each respective forum for the fish you have to find out about them, instead of jamming the whole tank in the beginner section, you'll fin out more if you ask people who actually keep those fish. And I feed mine one, two or three times a day, but it varies and sometimes I skip a day.
sorry tstenback, i thought u wuz calling me an oddball lol
I am now eating humble pie(can't feed that my fish)

sorry again :*)
philbo said:
sorry tstenback, i thought u wuz calling me an oddball lol
I am now eating humble pie(can't feed that my fish)

sorry again :*)
No Problem its easy to confuse the meaning in a test message. Hope you enjoy the hobby and you find the right kind of foods for those puffers. :)

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