I need help


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Zanesville, Ohio
Ok I know no body likes walmarts fish but I had to get them.... a few tanks had white spots but not in the tank I got my two female guppys from there were no died ones in the tank and they are swimming just fine I got a 12Qt./ 11.4L thingy that I can put them in how long should I keep them in it like a week or longer and also doing everyday water changes (because don't have a filter on it.

I don't want to put them in my tank because if they are sick or died I don't want my other fish to get anything from them. also since the tanks around them had white spots should I go ahead and treat them for this, both are pregnant one is I'd say a week and the other is about 2 weeks.. I have them in the bag still wanted to know what to do first... also should I take a little bit of my tank water and put it with a little bit of new water for the two new fish??????

My tank has been up for more then 2 months..
Also should I watch how I move one of the fish I got she jumped out of the net the guy had her in and back into the tank ..lol that was funny :rofl:

Hope this makes since lol
Please help



the fuzzys pic sorry she wouldn't hold still lol
I say take them back

I dont know if you noticed , but at most walmarts the system that they use to circulate water. Is the same water goes through all the tanks.

So if there were dead one in other tanks and ick in other tanks, its in that tank you guppies werein also
I think that i would wait it out..give it a week or two and if they are looking good i would put them in. I would not treat them for something that they dont have yet, that might stress them out a little, which im sure they are already. But if they seemed healthy i would put them in and keep an eye on them and at the first sign of trouble i would yank em back out. Walmart is not the best place to go but really is all in the people who work there to take proper care of them. But that just what i think, do what you think is best...

goodluck B)
This is from Tropical Chit Chat today heres what I said

yeah I thought they did (use the saem filter) I made the guy show me the filter today its big and he said the new maniager is making them change the filter 2 times a week and I was standing there thinking man the poor fish are always going through a newly cycle tank everytime the fish were getting happy. with what the guy put them through at the store I'd have white spots to lol They seem to be doing fine and now in their new home for the next two weeks I will start to treat them tonight.... I have to wait till my husband gets home lol he knows how much to put in there unless one of you guys know how much to put in a 12 Qt. tank

ok I know they have Ick now lol they are rubbing everything on the rocks I think they have just now got them... because I can't see anything on them yet.
the females are kinda fighing to see who is better like showing off to each other what should I do about that nothing & just let them take care of it????....

Thanks for the help

I've been watching the fish for a few mins and heres what i've seen the one female who i've named White Fin will not let the other female eat or go to the top of the tank every time she does the other takes off at her like she going to kill her she's fine if the fish stays at the bottom and doesn't move at all .... what should I do???? also don't have a filter in it am doing everyday water changes...


I know nobody likes wal marts fish but who cares where they come from has long has they get love and someone who knows how to take care of them... I will take them back if one dieds $2.66 is alot for a little fish and I told the guy there that I would be back if they didn't live... I'm treating them for white spots and they are Not going in my main tank for 2 weeks that way I know they have nothing.. I just don't want my other good fish to get anything from them...
The Fish I have right now in my take some came from walmarts and We love pets a long time ago one is about 3 years old. I got them from a friend whos had most of them for 2 years now...
Yes I know wal marts uses the same water for all their tanks.. but how do I know that all the other places that I can get fish from don't use the same tank water for all their tanks ... If you really think I should take them back say so and give me some reasons why its best If you say yes I will take them back and go to Pet Land
i bought 2 sick platies from wal-mart (i knew they were sick from the nasty water) and i brought them home and put them in the tank (made sure not ot put the water form the bag in the tank) and now they are much happier now.....i did the same with my pleco (i cant stand goin into to walmart and seeing dead fish floating at the top of the water getting eaten by the other fish...or sick fish because they dont change the water
yep i know what you mean ask what i woke up to a almost died fish.
It had a hugh White spot on its side fin and that only took over her fin after I got her home she's not using that fin now to much I don't know what to do with them the other fish seems to me fine doesn't have any white spots on her...
Should I take both back or just the one who is going to die I'm going to pet land tomorrow with my grandmother..... she likes to see the different puppies....
everyone let me know what you think I should do....

Thanks for the help Erin
What have you been doing to treat this spot? I would do a 40% water change, use some aquarium salt and ich meds(Quick cure works wonders for getting rid of it so plz don't give up) and use some of your cycled water from your other tank.
I too have bought fish from walmart, sometimes I have problems, sometimes I cure the problems. I never knew walmart took back live fish, all i could do at our walmart was bring it back if it were dead.

Keep us updated and good luck.
well after i gave them some food lol she came back to life a little I thought she was almost died she wasn't breathing at all and also at the top of tank...
I'm not to sure what the white spot is I'll try and get a really good pic of and put it on here ....

Thanks Erin

I will do that water change... that hugh white spot came after my husband put Ick meds in and in 4 hours after the white spot was there it's like it took over her whole fin....

I have a question I seem to somehow get fish with white spot and never seems to go away, can after treating them do they still live on the fish because my other fish did that and I thought i got rid of it and it would come back if I did a water change (a while ago lol didn't do to many water change like every 2 months.... I know better now)
i would just keep treating them and doing your water changes....hopefully they will pull through..if not take em back..I've learned its all about survival of the fittest.
hope everything turns out good for you.
heres the best pic I could get right now don't want to stress her out to much

Hope this helps to find out what it is.
Its all over her fin and, looks like peeling skin on a person in water if that helps any...

Thanks Erin
that doesnt look good phlysa, i hardly ever buy walmart fish and this is the reson. all i can say is to isolate her from the agressive female sum how and treat both of them. if she doesnt die, the white should dissapear.
Looks more like fungus than a spot, doesn't look like ick. :/ This spreads faster in warmer temps(like mold on a summers day), so watch over your temperature. Hopefully you have fungus meds, if you don't, keep using aquairum salt to help cure infection imo.
Don't worry it wasn't your fault, she's probably stressed from just being shipped around(in a cramped, dirty bag with 50 fish) for 12hrs to reach walmart, then being shipped to your home. It's alot of stress on a fish and it weakens their immune system immensly.
I hope she recovers :thumbs:
if it is a fungus then maybe drpping the temp to like room temp and adding salt is all it needs but userally fungus wont nearly kill a guppy, their tuff lil guys.
none of us were right it was fin rot I took both back to wal marts lol you should have heard the people at wal marts almost makes me never want to buy anything there. I should have just waited....
after taking them back to wal marts I went to We Love Pets every fish and tank was so clean... each tank had just enough fish in it but not to many.......I can't believe how pretty Clown fish are I've never seen one so bright before there was like 5 of them with a few other marine fish in a 55g,... one thing i'd like to know now is.... is this a female top swordtail because were I got them they were selling the swordtails for $5.00 and I got her for $2.50... I outlined the tail so you could see it better



I know I should have gave the other two a chance but every time I get a fish sick they always seem to stay sick or even doing a water change after getting them better makes then get it worse I don't do well with sick fish..
The two I have now are 2 weeks pregnant and are so lively the one has a purple
top fin and the one I named liberty has a very pretty Red Yellow and Blue tail

I really could have just put them in the tank but just want to make sure they were alright before putting them in so i'll wait a week doing every day water changes

Tell me what you think
Erin :nod:
I'm happier with the new fish cause I feel better about putting them in my main tank

with the other fish (with the problem) I did have it room temp it was like maybe 70 F I usually have it 75 - 77.... and the white took her whole fin... the fin it was gone when I took her back to the store, the white was growing on her fast her little fish lips and everything were white... she was the agressive fish she was hitting the other fish into the side of the tank...

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