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  1. blesser13

    What's Wrong With My Phantom Tetra?

    It could be bacterial, 1 of my neon tetras have white spots (not ick) look like kinda damaged and he is like this for long long time but still eat, the white spots never went away. If it doesn't spread over the other fishes you should not worry about, if he eat and act normally allow few time...
  2. blesser13

    My 55 Gallon

    hehe they are too fast for the discus and they immediately hide into the plants if they feel in danger. But actually i never saw 1 of my discus trying to eat my cardinals
  3. blesser13

    My 55 Gallon

    Hey I would like to share the video of my 55 gallon enjoy =) Video
  4. blesser13

    Pls Please Pls Please Help!

    The cloudy water won't kill your fishes, start your pump for 1 hour then add your fishes, nxt day clean your pump using the water from your tank
  5. blesser13

    Neon Tetras

    10 would be fine
  6. blesser13

    Male Swordtail Bully

    Hey Clarousel! I found a link for you, hope it help :rolleyes:
  7. blesser13

    My 30 Gallon

    great looking tank, good job
  8. blesser13

    Returning To Tropical Fish . . .

    Hello If im not wrong your tank is about 90L. Is your tank established? or you need to go through a cycling process?
  9. blesser13

    Compatible Fish?

    Actually they need to be in large group otherwise they seem to like fin nipping, before do that you should call you lfs and explain your situation, if you can get 50% of their price is not that bad. My lfs is really nice and just exchanged to me directly. If he don't want give them back for...
  10. blesser13

    Compatible Fish?

    Hello Perhaps you could bring back the serpae to your lfs? I had this same issue, and I didn't have the choice to bring them back. Tigers are really naughty fishes too. How big is your tank
  11. blesser13

    New Driftwood

    I believe is a kind of mold, you could remove it with your syphon when changing your water. My yamato shrimps normally take care of it. Try to remove as much as you can just in case
  12. blesser13

    Discus Question

    when are you getting your discus? Get some froozen bloody worms they wont resist
  13. blesser13

    Discus Question

    Oh wait your discus are wild?
  14. blesser13

    Discus Question

    Try your PH first and keep me updated, your ph should be around 7.0 to 7.5 i believe. What you can do is once you got them, leave the bag in your tank for 25 min, add some water from your tank carefully into to bag for another 10 min.
  15. blesser13

    Discus Question

    I have a great link for you My link, everything you need is there, if you have any further questions let me know
  16. blesser13

    Pregnant Molly?

    I can't access the pictures, your molly and platy should be fine, but if they are pregnant you might need a bigger tank after
  17. blesser13

    Scape Suggestions?

    Your not the only 1 haha, same for me. I just changed my scape 1 week ago and now I'm not quite happy with the scape
  18. blesser13

    My New Sorority...

    Just give them some time, you could close the lights to help them feel more confortable
  19. blesser13

    Is It Safe To Mix Different Ages Of Fry?

    Hello Zyden It really depend what size the old fry are, but I think it will give a better chance to your new fry to survive, instead of leaving them into your main tank with the bigger fishes. In your fry tank, if there enough plants so they can hide everything should be fine. What you could...
  20. blesser13

    Replacing My Filtration System

    Never replace your filtration components all together at the same time, it could be a disaster. What filtration are you using? Change the components gradually, no all at the same time
  21. blesser13

    Few Questions

    Mines took almost 1 week before they start going out, after 2 weeks they swim everywhere
  22. blesser13

    White Spot

    Super Ick Cure is really effective, follow the instructions carefully
  23. blesser13

    New Look Tank

    wow nice, the background totally change everything good job
  24. blesser13

    Help Guppy Tale Missing

    There any other kind of fishes in your tank?
  25. blesser13

    Hagen Fluval U4 Filter?

    First what your budget$ ? Also what kind of lights are you using , if you don't know you can provide a picture so we can find out. If you want a planted tank, for example mine I mostly have low light plants, I don't really use any fertz and no co2 :rolleyes: , low tech planted tank= less money...
  26. blesser13

    Hagen Fluval U4 Filter?

    Hello Amber What size is your tank (gallons)? Also do you prefer underwater or outside filtration or doesn't matter? Me I prefer a filtration that go outside so it give more space for my fishes, as you said yes the U4 provide a good oxygen and a good flow. I really like the AC filters My link...
  27. blesser13

    Automatic Feeder

    the best would be to find some 1 hehe
  28. blesser13

    Automatic Feeder

    Hello I need some help to find an Automatic Feeder for a 55 gallons community tank, I might be in vacations for 2-3 weeks. Some suggestions would be really appreciated.
  29. blesser13

    White Bumps Other Than Ich?

    Yep, increased slowly your temp to atleast 84F, and use Super Ick Cure really effective follow the instructions carefully, lets hope is not to late.
  30. blesser13


    Hello Does your tank was cycled before add the fishes?
  31. blesser13


    Nice tank :hyper:
  32. blesser13

    Black Spots On Lyretail Molly

    As what Fish48 said im sure is color pigment
  33. blesser13

    Black Spots On Lyretail Molly

    A picture could help a lot
  34. blesser13

    Terra H2O Just Amazing!

    I am testing this new product and it seem to work really well =) The role of the substrate is set plants in order to ensure the training of their roots and the assimilation of nutrients. The average values usual carbonate content range from 5 ° - 12 ° KH a pH of 6, 5-7, 2 for optimal growth...
  35. blesser13

    Dark Spots On Lyretail Molly

    It depends on where the black spots are. If the edges of his fins are ragged and have what looks like black dye staining them, then this is fin rot and needs to be treated (aquarium salt is your first choice.) If the spots are just black dots and not fuzzy, then it's probably his natural coloration.
  36. blesser13

    Plants For A 2Ft Tank

    Anubias and java fern don't ask any requirement,no co2 or fertz
  37. blesser13

    I Have Ammonia, Nitrites And Nitrate In Tank

    Hello askopp1 If your tank was already cycled and you are still doing your water changes, i suspect your filtration, i will probably never use a Marina Slim S10 i really had bad experience with this filter. Actually is a really cheap filtration around 15$ :blink:. Maybe you should think...
  38. blesser13

    Wierd White Stuff In Tank

    Do you have drift wood in your tank? it look like mold / fungus, do you overfeed?
  39. blesser13

    Wierd White Stuff In Tank

    what the size of the tank,filtration, low tech or hight tech, lights how many watts?
  40. blesser13

    Sudden Deaths, Don't Know Why

    Ill probably keep doing water changes daily for a week, what filter are you using for the 60 gallons?