Dark Spots On Lyretail Molly


New Member
Jul 22, 2011
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Hi. I bought 2 yellow lyre tails mollies and 2 silver lyretail mollies 2 days ago from Petsmart. I put them in a quarantine tank right after i bought them. Today, I planned on putting them in my main tank but i noticed that one of my yellow lyretail molly has black spots on both sides and on the top fin (the rest of the fins and tail do not have black spots). Im concerned if this is a disease (Black ich) or is just part of the Molly's color. Are the black spots an indicator of it being mature? I have male and female for both pairs of mollies. I believe the black spots are on the female molly. I tried to take a pic but the spots didn't show and the pic was blurry. If there is any confusion, let me know so I can clarify.

Also, the black dots are only on the one female yellow molly; the rest of the mollies do not have the black spots.

Now, I'm looking very carefully and closely and I think i'm seeing one or two black spots on the male molly but none on the silver mollies...either it's there on the yellow male or I'm just seeing things, but for sure there are dark spots on the female lyretail.
It depends on where the black spots are. If the edges of his fins are ragged and have what looks like black dye staining them, then this is fin rot and needs to be treated (aquarium salt is your first choice.) If the spots are just black dots and not fuzzy, then it's probably his natural coloration.
Well, only it's top fin is somewhat darkened at the edge but the rest of its fins are fine...

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