Discus Question


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2011
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I've been keeping tropicals for a while now and now want to try something a bit higher grade, brought a very nice pair of discus on ebay, picking them up this week, I have what i need to soften my water (i believe water in my area is hard, as for actual PH i'm unsure, i'm borrowing my dads PH testing kit tomorrow and gonna buy my own before i get the fish if i need it, never really worried about ph levels before have the other kits and some ph strips (which are poo). I know the guys currently got them in 6.5-6.8 but i've read alot of conflicting info on discus and ph tolerances, from what i gather wild caught discus need their PH right, also if your attempting to breed, but tank bred discus will tolerate a range of PH's and just need a stable PH. Now what i just want to know is weather or not putting these discus from 6.5-6.8 into my water (again i'm unsure but it will be harder) with a good period of slow water mixes will likely harm them, i'll likely soften the water up anyway but would just like to know this for future reference. Thanks :good:
thanks mate good post.

Sort of answers my question, so they will most likely be fine in my ph its just the change in ph im concerned about though? just wanna know if its worth the trouble of getting my ph to what they are in at the moment

Try your PH first and keep me updated, your ph should be around 7.0 to 7.5 i believe. What you can do is once you got them, leave the bag in your tank for 25 min, add some water from your tank carefully into to bag for another 10 min.
no there not wild, i was just saying stuff i had read about the wilds :) shoulda made it clearer :D
id get a bucket from b and q, the orange ones for a couple of quid. then id put the fish in there with their water and slowly mix with yours over an hour or so. i use an airline tube and tie a knot in it so it drips in. ive introduced my discus like this and never had a problem. how big/old are your new fish?
id get a bucket from b and q, the orange ones for a couple of quid. then id put the fish in there with their water and slowly mix with yours over an hour or so. i use an airline tube and tie a knot in it so it drips in. ive introduced my discus like this and never had a problem. how big/old are your new fish?

Ive got a fairly big bucket anyway, think it was from 5gks of protein powder lol should be big enough its what i use for water changes so is fish friendly, ill prob do this ive got a good length of tube aswell cheers mate :nod: , oh and im not sure how old they are they are 4.5-5 inches

dunno what happened to my post edited it somehow quoted myself :S
I got them today :) still in the bucket waters almost all mine so will do a few more bag them and float them for a bit then let them into their new home :lol: Guy i got them off gave me some beef heart to feed them with, hes been breeding them has a pretty impressive set up for multiple couples
how many did you get and are they around 4 inches like you said. oh and weres the photos????
how many did you get and are they around 4 inches like you said. oh and weres the photos????

just got 2 atm, and a bit bigger :good: they are lovely

Tank looks a bit small in this pic but its a few times thier height and 4 foot long. Currently in the process of siphoning out all the little bits of wood (had a couple of big bits of wood which where a bit crumbly) but taken them out to make space for the discus.

They look very nice mate, look nice and chunky with good shape. Where did you get them from? With discus that size they should settle well.
They look very nice mate, look nice and chunky with good shape. Where did you get them from? With discus that size they should settle well.

Thanks :good: the bug has deffo bitten, A guy from a town near me put them on ebay, he brought them as a breeding pair but didnt breed.

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