Male Swordtail Bully


Jul 28, 2011
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I have 2 male swordtails in my tank and recently one has started showing dominance over the other.

I didn't notice anything until I saw the other one always hiding at the bottom of the tank or inside the plants. Once I even thought he was dead cause he wasn't moving at all.

He seems very traumatised but he does come out to swim once in a while. Even the female swordtails may chase him a bit!

I thought of removing him from the tank and putting him in the pond but I worry the other gouramis and cichlids may attack him if he enter's their territory, plus the huge kois may frighten him even more. I don't have another tank so is there anything I can do? It's really painful to see him so scared and all :-(
what size is your tank? generally we only recommend 1 male sword per tank as they do get veyr nasty, saying that i have kept 3 males with 5 females in a 3ft tank with no problems

how many female do you have?
My tank's 2.5 ft long. I didn't know about them cause my dad got them for me as a gift. :S

I have 2 females in the tank.
I have a similar problem but with female swords.
One of the other females is really picking on my Koi Swordtail and its getting to the point I will have to move her for her own safety.
Strange though as they got on great for the first 3 months.
I have a similar problem but with female swords.
One of the other females is really picking on my Koi Swordtail and its getting to the point I will have to move her for her own safety.
Strange though as they got on great for the first 3 months.

Oh dear D: Will you be removing her from the tank? My females are fine. Just the males having problems :(
To be honest I think I will have to either that or I will remove the bully fish to another tank for a few days to see if it alters the pecking order.
I dont want her to be bullied to death.
She is a really nice fish it would be a real shame to lose her.
Oh dear has she's lost almost all her colour. That's serious stuff :( Hope she'll be okay after whatever changes you make!
Thats her normal colour.
She is a really bright red and white when seen in the flesh its my bad photography that lets her down :)
Thats her normal colour.
She is a really bright red and white when seen in the flesh its my bad photography that lets her down :)

Oh! Wow! I've never seen one like that whoops my bad. Mine are all plain orange :blush:
Thats her normal colour.
She is a really bright red and white when seen in the flesh its my bad photography that lets her down :)

Oh! Wow! I've never seen one like that whoops my bad. Mine are all plain orange :blush:
I added some females to my tank when the males started getting agressive. I have 3 males and 5 females at this point. It's still not the reccomended ratio, but it has cut down on aggressive behavior.

To be honest I think I will have to either that or I will remove the bully fish to another tank for a few days to see if it alters the pecking order.
I dont want her to be bullied to death.
She is a really nice fish it would be a real shame to lose her.
She's that a velvet wag in the back? I have a male that looks just like him :)
It most certainly is.
I got him with the 125 ltr tank I bought around a year ago when I got back into fish.
He was delivered in a bucket of green water that was really bad and smelly, he was in bad condition but now he is perfect and such a character.
The female is in quarantine though it looks very bleak for her as she doesnt look like she will survive.
Shame but I do have 7 fry from her.
I did consider getting 2 more females but I have a feeling my tank is already overstocked. Not sure though.
I did consider getting 2 more females but I have a feeling my tank is already overstocked. Not sure though.
How big is your tank, an how many fish do you have and their sizes?

It most certainly is.
I got him with the 125 ltr tank I bought around a year ago when I got back into fish.
He was delivered in a bucket of green water that was really bad and smelly, he was in bad condition but now he is perfect and such a character.
The female is in quarantine though it looks very bleak for her as she doesnt look like she will survive.
Shame but I do have 7 fry from her.
Maybe she will surprise you. I really do hope for the best. That's cool you have fry from her. I have a 10 gallon fry tank right now with 18 4 days old fishies in it. They are fun to watch.
I have 4 dwarf gouramis, 4 serpae tetras, 4 black neons, 4 swordtails, 4 tiger barbs and 1 neon tetra.

They are all relatively small. I don't know their exact sizes but none of them are larger than 3 inches.

Tank is 60cmx30cm. I have a pic of it here

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