Hagen Fluval U4 Filter?


New Member
Jul 17, 2011
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Im trying to choose the best filter i can for my fish but i need advice!!

I usually got for a fluval plus 3/4 filter.

Then i came across the hagen fluval U4 one and it seems much better? it has more filter and oxygen going into the water? advice please would be so appreciated i really wanna start and get set up!!

Hello Amber

What size is your tank (gallons)? Also do you prefer underwater or outside filtration or doesn't matter? Me I prefer a filtration that go outside so it give more space for my fishes, as you said yes the U4 provide a good oxygen and a good flow. I really like the AC filters My link, I never had any problem of oxygen and it contain the new biomax which is really good. But again is really matter of tastes. U4 is a good filtration =)
Wow is that your tank below your writing its beautiful! Thats the exact look im going for but i really dont think im going to be able to pull it off! :unsure:

this is my poor empty tank haha ...


I know im gonna sound really amateur here but i have no idea how many gallons it is? how do i work that out?

This is the thing im wondering whether to go for external or internal filters? ive never had an external so would be unsure how they work but im guessing there pretty straightforward plus the fish wouldnt be disturbed as much when its water change time? only thing i worry is will they be getting that oxygenated bubble flow like they do with an internal tank?

Whats biomax a new better cleaning part in the filter? i will check out your link now.

Thank you so much for your help! :D
you can use a converter on the net to work out how many litres it holds just type aquarium calculator into google, as for the filters externals are better in my opinion they give you more space in the tank and hold more media. the flow and oxygen levels will be fine
The U4 replaced the 4+. The U4 has a few more options for flow, top, middle or bottom really. The middle is a spraybar function which is very good.
First what your budget$ ? Also what kind of lights are you using , if you don't know you can provide a picture so we can find out. If you want a planted tank, for example mine I mostly have low light plants, I don't really use any fertz and no co2 :rolleyes: , low tech planted tank= less money to spend

Nice tank btw you could do something really good in there

BioMax Filter Inserts provide the largest surface area for accomodating bacterial colonies. The surface of BioMax is made up of a complex pore system that allows bacteria colonies to thrive, establish and multiply. Each ceramic ring contains at least 100 square feet of surface area providing more biological power than a traditional cartridge. Use of the BioMax Insert enhances the removal of ammonia and nitites resulting in a healthy aquarium environment

Could you measure how many inch is your tank, Heigh,Length,Width
I brought a Fluval U4 from ebay.

Its mainly for a backup filter if ever needed, but i think its to big for the amount of media it holds, the very old models seemed to hold far more media.

But for £31 delivered its a bargain :shout:
Good filtration the U4, can't fault it :good:

I have a U4 and a 205. The U4 I think is very good, apart from it's a bit chunky, could only just fit it into my tank lol. The 205 is just as good, and I like the function of closing the pipes so you can keep the vacuum in them when cleaning the filter out, and the priming pump as well makes it far easier to prime. No faffing around trying to get water into the pipes.

Oh and both are silent. I can only hear the air pump from my tank.
Thank you all for your advice its been so helpful,

ive been to a huge aquatics shop today and the external filters were in all the tanks I saw, they seem so good? im really considering it! especially because in the future im thinking of getting a bigger tank it seems more sensible to get a bigger filter ready? plus i will have more room in my tank?

Any suggestions on best external filters?

one more question...what does everyone think of those 3d backgrounds? ive always really loved the look of them because they look so realistic and nice in tanks! what does everyone think of them? and if i was to ever remove them would it ruin it and cause me unable to put it back in?

Thank you all! :D
Aqua One

All these make reputable external filters. I like the 3D back grounds too. I say go for it if you can spare the cash. :good:

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