Compatible Fish?


Jul 28, 2011
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I'm having some fin-nipping problems right now. I've got 2 tiger barbs, 4 serpae tetras, 2 black neon tetras and 1 remaining neon tetra.

The 2 tiger barbs aren't really harassing the smaller fish but the serpae tetras are really being bullies! I'm really worried for the other fish because they're even nipping at the larger ones (swordtails).

I know it's my fault for not reading up on them earlier but is there anyway I can reduce the fin nipping? I was considering removing the serpae tetras from the tank but I don't have another tank to transfer them to. I would really like to get more neon tetras for the last lonely fella but I don't want them to get attacked by the serpae tetras :(
I'm having some fin-nipping problems right now. I've got 2 tiger barbs, 4 serpae tetras, 2 black neon tetras and 1 remaining neon tetra.

The 2 tiger barbs aren't really harassing the smaller fish but the serpae tetras are really being bullies! I'm really worried for the other fish because they're even nipping at the larger ones (swordtails).

I know it's my fault for not reading up on them earlier but is there anyway I can reduce the fin nipping? I was considering removing the serpae tetras from the tank but I don't have another tank to transfer them to. I would really like to get more neon tetras for the last lonely fella but I don't want them to get attacked by the serpae tetras :(

The simplest thing to do is to spank the fish... they are similar to humans in the sense hat they respond to harm caused to them...
I'm having some fin-nipping problems right now. I've got 2 tiger barbs, 4 serpae tetras, 2 black neon tetras and 1 remaining neon tetra.

The 2 tiger barbs aren't really harassing the smaller fish but the serpae tetras are really being bullies! I'm really worried for the other fish because they're even nipping at the larger ones (swordtails).

I know it's my fault for not reading up on them earlier but is there anyway I can reduce the fin nipping? I was considering removing the serpae tetras from the tank but I don't have another tank to transfer them to. I would really like to get more neon tetras for the last lonely fella but I don't want them to get attacked by the serpae tetras :(


Perhaps you could bring back the serpae to your lfs? I had this same issue, and I didn't have the choice to bring them back. Tigers are really naughty fishes too. How big is your tank
I doubt I can bring them back. I've had them for almost 2 weeks already. It's only recently I've noticed them getting braver and nipping more often.

Yeah the barbs are crazy. But they don't really bother the smaller fishes so I guess they're fine.

My tank's 30 gallons.
Actually they need to be in large group otherwise they seem to like fin nipping, before do that you should call you lfs and explain your situation, if you can get 50% of their price is not that bad. My lfs is really nice and just exchanged to me directly. If he don't want give them back for free. I know is painful but is better than see your other fishes suffer. I can help you and recommend you some fishes that can go together.
Actually they need to be in large group otherwise they seem to like fin nipping, before do that you should call you lfs and explain your situation, if you can get 50% of their price is not that bad. My lfs is really nice and just exchanged to me directly. If he don't want give them back for free. I know is painful but is better than see your other fishes suffer. I can help you and recommend you some fishes that can go together.

Yeah I read up on them and it's said at least 6 of them :S

Hm I'm trying to go down later but I doubt I can return them. If I can't, should I just get 2 more serpae tetras? I would really prefer more neons in the tank though, they're so tiny and cute! But that would sort of be risking it.
Yeah I read up on them and it's said at least 6 of them :S

Hm I'm trying to go down later but I doubt I can return them. If I can't, should I just get 2 more serpae tetras? I would really prefer more neons in the tank though, they're so tiny and cute! But that would sort of be risking it.

If you could return the barbs and get a few more serpaes that might be best; I have 6 serpaes and though they occasionally bother the other fish in the tank, they generally keep their bickering to themselves (why chase the big slow fish when it's so much more fun to dash around the tank chasing each other ;) )
If you could return the barbs and get a few more serpaes that might be best; I have 6 serpaes and though they occasionally bother the other fish in the tank, they generally keep their bickering to themselves (why chase the big slow fish when it's so much more fun to dash around the tank chasing each other ;) )

That makes some sense haha! I'll get a few more serapes then. Hope it would solve the fin nipping. Would it be safe to get more neons though?
serpae's will do better in a larger group, as would the tigers, the black tetras and the neons. They are all schooling fish and they should all be kept in groups that are 6+

In all honesty, i would return the 2 tiger barbs and put the serpae's up to 8, then decide on black neons or normal neons and also get 8 of those, returning the ones you dont want.

All fish shops will take back fish if you explain to them the problem, especially if you say "i want to buy more fish from you, but i need you to take 1/2 off my hands so i can sort my stocking out"

You have a relatively decent size tank and two groups of 8 fish "should" do well and you still have space for a couple more of each if you wanted.

That said if you have other fish in there that you havnt mentioned, adjust given advice accordingly :)

Whatever you do dont get Serpaes AND Tigers, both are agressive groups of fish, not really recommended for new fish keepers.

Good luck :)
I just went back and found out they don't have any more serpaes. How odd.

I decided to forgo keeping neons at the moment and just stick to the serpaes and barbs. It's quite fun to watch them chase each other haha.

Thanks for all the advice everyone :)

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