

New Member
Jul 23, 2011
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I'm the newest addition to this forum and i was wondering if you can help!

I am a big fan of all pets etc and have just rescued 2 fish who were otherwise going to be disposed of... I set up a tank, the water temp was good, i conditioned the water, allowed plenty of time for the water with fish to reach tank temp etc and both were swimming around fine.

This morning 1 is still good but the other looks to be in shock, he has no control of his body, floats to the surface but his fins and tail do seem to be trying to move. Do you know if fish can recover from shock? I don't want to give up on him if he'll recover but on the other hand, leaving him in a tank with the healthy one would surely end up distressing the healthy one too?

I have only had coldwater fish before so am a little lost....

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