Sudden Deaths, Don't Know Why


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Tank size: 60 gallons
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0
nitrate: 5
kH: Unknown
gH: Unknown
tank temp: 80*F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I don't know what's wrong, but first my betta died. It happened quickly, within a day. First he became lethargic, just hanging out at the top of the tank not moving around much. I didn't think much of it, because he does that sometimes. A couple hours after I first noticed that, I noticed him losing color on his face. Not white spots or anything, just... like sometimes in the morning, or when he's stressed, his chest will be whitish, but this was much more severe than anytime before. He began to struggle with his swimming, occasionally darting at top speed to the top of the water, then floating downwards kinda sidewaysish. One of his eyes was whitish and filmy, towards the end, and the color loss extended to teh rest of his body, and that night he died. That was two days ago. Today, I found a dead zebra danio floating in the same tank. I didn't see her die, or notice any symptoms; this morning they were all fine, and then this afternoon one was dead. No visible wounds or anything.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 20%, every two weeks

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Flourish and Tetra AlgaeControl

Tank inhabitants: 16 zebra danios, 5 neon tetras, 5 albino corys

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): 5 neon tetras (not quarantined, I know I should have but my quarantine tank has fry in it right now), 1 water wisteria

Location: Phoenix, AZ, USA

Recent Events in tank: I've got an algae problem. Jet-black algae, I'm assuming it's red algae, but instead of growing in spots on the plant leaves it is growing in a smooth, velvety covering on several of the leaves of my java ferns. Also, I recently started using dechlorinated tap water for water changes, instead of filtered water, but the pH is the same and I don't have what I need to test water hardness if that could be the problem.

Basically, I don't know why my fish are dying, so I don't know how to treat, beyond keeping the water quality up and hoping the rest of them stay healthy. I don't want to treat for something when I don't know what it is and risk compromising the health of my other fish only to find that I treated for the wrong thing. I have no idea what to do, I haven't been doing this very long, my tank's been set up for only like 5 months.
I did clean it recently. During a water change, I siphoned tank water into a bucket, and then I swished the filter in that bucket.

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