Pregnant Molly?


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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I spent the money and got a 10 gallon tank, the filter is almost fully cycled, I took the filter out of my 5 gallon which has a fish in it for almost amonth, Im assuming that would count as the fish cycle.... I went to Petsmart (The only LFS in my area) and bought A sunburst Platy and a variation sunburst platy (I cant remember the name but it has black fins but its body is still a sunburst sort of colour) a Dalmatian Lyretail Molly and a Mystery snail.
I asked for all female fish, and I think that's what I got (I'm not sure about the sunburst platy which is one of my questions)
And I can't be sure, but I think the Mollie and the other Platy are preggo, not sure, as Im a newbie, they just seem a little fat to me... Here are pictures, you judge :p

Also, my tank isnt over stocked is it? 10 gallons with 3 fishies and a snail in it?

This is the Sunburst Platy. I know it's not the best picture of the parts one needs to see, but to me this one looks like a boy, what do you think?

This is the other Sunburst Platy, I don't know it's exact name so if that could be supplied lol. Also, she looks fat to me, does she look prego to anyone? I sort of assume she is...

And my Molly, I can't tell with her, is she possibly prego too? She didn't look so.... well her belly wasn't so odd looking last night when I bought her, she was all smooth and slim looking....Anywho...
I can't access the pictures, your molly and platy should be fine, but if they are pregnant you might need a bigger tank after
hmm... so how would I post the pictures? They're to big to use the attatchments option
Lets try this again..

1)The platy that I'm not sure of the gender is the gold fishy. Male or Female, what do you think?
2)The possibly prego Platy is the gold one with black fins.. Preggo or not? Also, what is her color pattern called?
3)The Molly is the Dalmation one, is she prego?

Also, I'm not interested in keeping the babies, I assume they all eat their young, and it sounds cruel but I think I'll end up letting them do that, petsmart is to far away for me to conveniently take a bunch of fry down there, though I have some friends who may take some of them.


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They all look female to me :) but I just had a guppy that dropped babies and I wasn't too keen on keeping babies either. I only wanted a few. I was hoping that they would get eaten but I found more than twelve... :crazy: so if they are pregnant, they will take on a square boxy look and you will know that they are very, very close. If you don't want the babies I would suggest removing any plants if they are plastic and anywhere else the babies might be able to hide :)

Good luck! :good:
The second two are definitely female; I can't see the first one's anal fin enough to be able to tell for sure, but it is probably male.

Livebearers are easy to sex; if the anal fin (that's the one on the bottom, in front of the tail) is a normal fan shape, that's a female; if it's a rod like structure that's a 'gonopodium' and the fish is male.

You can assume that every female livebearer, if she's ever shared a tank with a male, will be pregnant; they can even mate and store sperm from before they were sexually mature.
Okies so I got one male platy and two probably prego females. Crap, Im gunna have to deal with a lot of platy babies aren't I :rolleyes:
That's the downside of keeping livebearers...
well, my mollie just had fry, i decided that i was going to keep them in a breeder tank. i ended up with 23 of them and they were all spoken for within 3 days. try putting them up on craigs list or kajiji if you do decide to keep them. also, some pet stores will give you store credit for giving them your fish. :)

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