Scape Suggestions?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2010
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I'm not quite happy with the scape as it is atm. Feel free to bash and critique all you like :p
The setup is a 33gallon, 1.8wpg, dosing trace elements weekly with pressurized co2.

I think its a good start tbh, some things I would do:

Move the bunch of plants from the right, to behind the wood on the left. Adding a few more to make a bigger, wider bunch

Add some small foreground plants along the front of the wood

Nice wood tho, its got potential
Your not the only 1 haha, same for me. I just changed my scape 1 week ago and now I'm not quite happy with the scape
Getting more cryptocoryne parvas for the front. I already have some...but it's spreading slower than i expected.

Idk what kind of rocks and where i would be able to put them...I would love some though. :p
I moved some stuff around and added a couple rocks as Proxo suggested. Still not happy with it. Any advice? :/

I like it so much i can't suggest anything else :good:
Maybe you're just bored of the layout?
Lately i've been moving 1 of my tanks around alot using the same wood and no matter what i do i dont like it but people say it looks nice, lucky for me it's only a 90L tank and getting wood for it wont be so pricey lol.

Btw where u steal the stones from? lol.
Lol, the stones were from a river near my house. I just gave it a good clean before putting it in my tank.

I guess it's just the layout then...not too keen on spending money on more wood though >.<
It's prob because you have a couple of focal points, if you had a divider in the middle it would look like two different scapes if you know what I mean. There isn't a place where the eye settles, you have the large wood on the left sand the planted rocky area to the right. I'd maybe move the large dark wood to the back and buch up the stems to the left of it, plant the top of the large wood and then put the hardscape to the right closer to the left so the whole hardscape slopes off to the right giving a more triangle feel. Also incorporate the rocks round the front of the wood on the left too that way the whole scape should blend together better. But that's just my opinion. I do like it a lot but it's like two scapes in one tank. :)
I don't have the co2 on all the time, I started this tank up before I joined this forum and I was mislead that all plants need co2.
I only have the co2 on when i want them to grow out faster now...hope that clears things up.

Also, thanks for your input ps3steveo. I also get the feeling it's 2 different scapes. I like the right hand side, but the left kinda looks odd and out of place. I'll move things around again when I get the chance and see what I come up with.

Cheers. :)
Cool will look good once you blend the two. :good:
AHG! I moved some stuff around and I HATE the way it looks! I should've just left it as is... =.= :shout:
with that wood you'd be able to do a triangle scape...

have a read here

heres a decent journal to have a read through, Cazzie has developed this scape over time and made it look good!

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