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  1. S

    Have Not Been On In Years!

    Yes, exactly keep the experience tho. And the tattoos! That's a shame I can't change my name, for my first post in over 5 years hah. Oh well, I will have to deal with it I suppose. Thanks for the warm welcome
  2. S

    Have Not Been On In Years!

    Just got back into tropical fish, after a long few years off! Look forward to being active, and posting new pics once my plants grow in :) Also would like to change my user name, lol, oh to be 14 again. Thanks!
  3. S

    Return Of "are You Ready For Some Football?"

    OWnes wont play in the pre season games and may not play the first reg season game due to a hamstring issue. Which i hope gets cleared up because i think he is one of if not the best WR in the league.
  4. S

    X-box Live

    I think ps2 online is crap because i have played it and think it is crap. It is nowhere near as good as XBL.
  5. S

    Lime Wire Pro after u download that go to Very easy, tons of albums at once, much better than limewire.
  6. S

    Can You Play Wow On A Laptop?

    It may be more annoying without a mouse, but thats about it. As long as you have the specs needed or specified on the back of the WOW box then you should be fine.
  7. S

    Angelfish Death

    Maybe the other fish introduced something to the water that the angels could not handle?
  8. S

    Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

    The ps3 looks good... Just the price is amazingly high! imagine what they will go for on ebay! Also, most of the graphical stuff they show is pre rendered. No doubt the graphics will look good on the ps3 after its all said and done, its just that we dont know what the ps3 can really do yet
  9. S

    Worth Checking Out?

    I cant download it because im from the us
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    I love the shape of the tank. Never seen one quite like it, and it is great for the fish i keep, or want. As for cleaning it, well thats not quite fun. but its worth it to keep a tank this big. Thanks for the calculation sylvia. i knew i was close! lol Josh
  11. S

    World Cup Predictions

    I was on vacation and didnt have internet acess the whole time. And i didnt get to talk about the germany victory. Germanys goalie proved himself during that shootout. He is a great talent and i think is taking Germany all the way. And the next game should be no problem for germany, Italy who...
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    thanks for the links very interesting Josh
  13. S

    X-box Live

    A router is something that allows you to use your internet connection for more than just your PC. Such as wireless devices around the house (E.G. Laptops) and also allows you to 'branch' your connection to other things. (E.G. X-Box, other PC) It really is very easy to use. Josh
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    hey m8 sorry, didnt see your question. The tank is 50 inches long 36 wide 36 high. Can anyone calculate that, in my head i think it comes to around 280 something? Thanks Josh
  15. S


    Lol, i know about the oscar... but i already have oscars in other tanks. they are my favorite fish to keep. :good:
  16. S


    Thanks mate. :good: Im not really sure on what kind but im pretty sure i want a severum. I really like the fish. And i think they will go good with my bala's. I just usually ask other peoples opinions befor i do something, just a habit lol. Thanks again, all sugestions of fish to go with my...
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    The tank is one my friend had but got rid of. So he gave it to me. It is roughly 200 gallons. I also have other tanks that range from 100 to this 200 that are possabilitys I was thinking of a golden Sev maybe. Thoughts on the type? Thanks Josh
  18. S

    80 Gallon Midas Hybrid And Oscar Tank

    ^what are the puttin on the freshly cut tail? looks like mini cheese doodles lol
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    How do you think these will mix? I have young bala sharks and was thinking of purchasinga Severum. Do you think they should be fine together? Thanks Josh
  20. S

    Need A 2 Month Trial

    2 month free x-box live trial card. I just gave my last one away, sorry
  21. S

    80 Gallon Midas Hybrid And Oscar Tank

    Wow you have one of my favorite tanks. I love the fish. Cant wait to see more pics. I love my oscars, they are the best fish ive ever kept. So much personality and they know their owners it seems like Josh
  22. S

    X-box Live

    ps2 online is free... but it is crap, not worth the trouble... id much rahter pay for the x-box online than ps2 online
  23. S

    Mutant Snail

    Looks like parts of the other snails shells are almost the same color. Maybe im seeing things. Either way very nice snail, ill buy some if u can breed them
  24. S

    Your Top 10 Favorite Rock Bands

    1. Sublime 2. Jimi Hendrix 3. Led Zepplin 4. Red Hot Chili Peppers 5. Van Halen Sublime is definately my favorite band ever. Definately spoke out to so many people which is what i felt was important. Of course the music is great also, i listen to them every day! Same with jimi
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    World Cup Predictions

    Im still standing by the Germans, and they will win or come damn close to it. Germany has one of, in the not the best, teams out their. Goal has been playing outstanding, as their offence. They havent had much defensive challenge yet, but i feel they are up for it. Josh
  26. S

    Plec Collectors!

    My pleco list -Tiger Pleco, L226, LDA26 (Panaque changae) -Bushynose pleco -Albino Bushynose pleco -King Tiger Pleco -Golden Nugget pleco -Bulldog Pleco
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    I Cant Find My Yoyo Loach...

    Yoyo's will bury them-selves under almost any type of 'floor' you put down. Whe i had mine i had big pebbles and they would just go crazy and bury themselves under the pebbles. But then i got sand and it was much better for them and easier for them to burrow without hureting themselves.
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    Sand Out

    great tank & fish cane. I really like your ray. Can we get pics of the other fish & more close ups? Josh
  29. S

    Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

    The parental control option is on the original x-box, its not really new but it has not been marketed as a sell point for parents. As for the controller on Wii, i can see how it can be fun for sports games ect. but i dont see it being something id want to play with all the time. sometimes id...
  30. S

    Very Very Agressive Neons

    they are prolly establishing a pecking order, nothing to worry about. Keep an eye out to see if any are seriouslly injured. I doubt their will be any but their is always a chance Josh
  31. S

    X-box Live

    Their are a couple ways you can have your x-box set up. Keep in mind you MUST have a HIGH SPEED INTERNET One way is to just use you internet cable that you use for your PC and just plug it in the x-box. Another way is through a router. Most come with simple directions on how to install and get...
  32. S

    Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

    I just dont like the way the controller is set up. It doesnt look like it will be good for Sports and shooters. Ands thats all I play. Plus X-Box has the best online by far.
  33. S

    Angel Fish Guarding Their Eggs

    Yea, its funny. I have more than this pair of angel fish in their. I thought it was 2 completely different angels laying the eggs befor, because i never saw them actually laying the eggs. Until i took these I was going to take the other angels out because these 2 are getting...
  34. S

    Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

    Basically the wii is going to suck for alot of games. I dont like Sony, they arent really quality if u ask me. PS2 was NOTHING compared to an X-BOX. Its like comparing a Geo to a lambo. lol no doubt ps3 will be good, but all the stuff they have shown now is definately pre rendered. Im going to...
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    X-box Live

    Ebay, or buy a new game. if i can find my other one ill pm you
  36. S

    Truck Fest

    Im a big truck guy, i own a 91 ford ranger 2.3 turbo. I would love to see more pics!
  37. S

    Does No One Like Cars

    Im pretty sure in nascar ALOT of people get passed, and their are road courses in nascar. But yes a majority of the courses are circles, but not all of them. You have to plan for whatever your racing whether it be Nascar or Gocart racing, their is always a strategy. Sorry, Just defending my...
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    X-box Live

    I play, just not right now because my cable is broke right now for some reason. I play -Halo 2 -Counter Strike -Madden - XBL Gamertag
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    Does No One Like Cars

    old topic lol. I love nascar, Tony Steuart is my favorite driver... hes had a bit of bad luck lately and dropped in the standings.
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    Return Of "are You Ready For Some Football?"

    I dont care who wins the super bowl as long as its NOT the Eagles. I live right next to philly and i cant say i have disliked a team more than i do philidelphia eagles lol. My favorite team is the Houston Texans. I can prolly say I was one of the first fans of them because they were my...