Ps3, Nintendo Wii Or Xbox 360

Basically the wii is going to suck for alot of games.
I dont like Sony, they arent really quality if u ask me.

PS2 was NOTHING compared to an X-BOX.

Its like comparing a Geo to a lambo. lol
no doubt ps3 will be good, but all the stuff they have shown now is definately pre rendered. Im going to stick with microsoft, and go with 360. because of the halo series and some of the exclusing titles


^ plus ps3 is going to cost more than double of the 360's cost... not even close to worth it. Id wait a few years.
From what I've seen of the xbox360, unless you have an HDTV you might as well stck with an xbox.

The P3 is WAY overpriced and there's a huge scandal running that all the e3 demos for the p3 where actually running on top of the range PCs

The Wii, despite it's AWFUL name is the only sensible choice, sure it's not going to be as pretty as the others, but it's half the price and the gameplay is going to pee on all the opposition.
actually some of the pics ive seen of the reveloution (which is what its called in japan because the cant pronounce i) it looks pretty good however they will struggle to bring out many good games they will have mostly bad games but the ones that are good will be really good
I just dont like the way the controller is set up. It doesnt look like it will be good for Sports and shooters. Ands thats all I play. Plus X-Box has the best online by far.
I just dont like the way the controller is set up. It doesnt look like it will be good for Sports and shooters. Ands thats all I play. Plus X-Box has the best online by far.
really? a lot of the motion sensing tech in the Wii is in direct response to playing sports and shooters, but its intended to allow a playstyle more representative of hitting a ball or shooting a gun. and there are ports on the machine to allow use of more traditional controllers (an adapter for the Wiimote and Gamecube controllers).

I definitely can't say anything against Xbox Live. No arguments there.

as a person who's always thinking about future parenting issues, i found this little gem from Wikipedia interesting...
Wii will feature parental controls, prohibiting younger users from playing games with content unsuitable for their age level. When a disc is inserted, it will read the content rating encoded on the game discs; if this rating is greater than the system's set "age level", the game will not load without a correct override password. For instance, a game carrying an ESRB rating of M for Mature, which is intended for those age 17 and older, will not play on a system that is set to only allow games rated T for Teen (ages 13 and older) or below...
It is confirmed that the European units will use the PEGI rating system,[38] and North American units will use the ESRB rating system.[39] While Nintendo has stated that parental control will be included in all Wii consoles worldwide, it has not yet clarified whether that means Wii will support the native rating systems of other territories, such as that of CERO in Japan, the USK in Germany, or the OFLC in Australia
Makes sense and sounds like an obvious feature to me, but i've not seen any details like this regarding the Xbox 360 or PS3. while this isn't going to be a "turn on" for teen and adult gamers, the ability to easily control and prevent innappropriate games being played on a console should have a significant appeal to parents (especially after that latest Rockstar sex scene debacle).
The parental control option is on the original x-box, its not really new but it has not been marketed as a sell point for parents.

As for the controller on Wii, i can see how it can be fun for sports games ect. but i dont see it being something id want to play with all the time. sometimes id want to play with the motion remote from wii, but alot of times, like at nite when i normally play games i like to relax and use a normal remote if that make sence. But it definatelly is a good idea and will keep younger kids ocupied and maybe get some energy outta them lol.

hrm... the lack of marketing for the parental controls leads to a whole different debate (my side of choice would be "the people at Rockstar are morons") so i'll drop that for now.

i guess i wasn't 100% clear about the wiimotes -- they are to some degree optional. the wii can play any GC game using the normal GC controller. the wiimotes can be re-oriented to "normal" and there will be other ways to play traditionally. really, the way a game plays on the Wii will be dictated more by the designers than by the console itself.
Because if the option isn't there, a number of people will not even try it.

I myself am actually quite looking forward to it, after Sega stopped doing consoles, the only one left that seems to keep the innovative fun going is Nintendo.
360 i already own 1 .. ive had it since lauch day and NEVER had any problems of any kind :good:

PS2 & PS3 dont appeal to me and to be honest £425 just for the PS3 is kind of steep even if it does have blue ray player :no:
Lol, just choose which console you would rather want, if you have 2 choices, then tell me the 2nd in your post. :good:

I want all 3! But my first next-gen console will most likely be the Nintendo Wii (even though Nintendo doesn't want to call it next-gen?). As far as my next purchase, I'll wait a year or two and see what games are out for the PS3 and 360 before I make my decision. :ninja:

Anyone see this recent short article on GameSpot? GameSpot PS3 article
I love reading the comments to get all perspectives. :D

Edit: spelling & link
The ps3 looks good... Just the price is amazingly high! imagine what they will go for on ebay!

Also, most of the graphical stuff they show is pre rendered. No doubt the graphics will look good on the ps3 after its all said and done, its just that we dont know what the ps3 can really do yet
its the ps3 all the way for me. it will cost a lot, but hey none of them are cheap, plus i heard it costs sony more to make the things than they are selling them for.

The playstation will have many more games than the x-box 360 and it will have GRAN TURISMO+ that game with solid snake(cant remember the name) nuff said.

Also i owned an old x box which i liked, but the thing kept breaking. I had to keep buying a new one then putting the broken one in the new box and take it back to the shop for a refund :rolleyes: I did this 3 times!!! when it did this the last time i thought fcuk it an gave the 20 or so games away to my nephew

Cant wait till november for my PS3!!!
second choice x box
The word costly placed on all three is defined by the personal view of dollar value. Sure, a couple of hundred bucks for a Wii is something I will have to try to scrape together atm, but it's still alot cheaper than a ps3, and if I wasn't going to buy a Wii I would settle for a 360. They are alot cheaper as well and are actually upgradable if you can't afford the whole shabang at once (something the ps3 is not).

As for Sony spending more per unit than they are making back, that is nothing but a codwash rumour. We live in the age of cheap, mass production electronics and Sony would be taking full advantage of that as much as the other two companies. Besides, from a pure business point of view, that would be a pretty rediculous thing to do and not something I could see 99% of companies out there doing any time soon (and the 1% that might be wouldn't last very long).

The whole basic principle of trading in any good or service is to buy low, mark up at least slightly and move it on. That aside though, the three systems would be comparable to each other in manufacturing prices so Sony doesn't really have any excuse other than being greedy - especially since if you buy the barebones system you are still going to have to fork out for the fully blown version if you want it anyhow (unlike 360's aproach of being upgradable so lower budget people can get there too eventually).

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