

Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2004
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How do you think these will mix? I have young bala sharks and was thinking of purchasinga Severum. Do you think they should be fine together?


The severums will be fine with the sharks, both are fairly peaceful, but the severums do get quite big. What type of severum were you thinking of?
The tank is one my friend had but got rid of. So he gave it to me. It is roughly 200 gallons. I also have other tanks that range from 100 to this 200 that are possabilitys
I was thinking of a golden Sev maybe.

Thoughts on the type?


Gold severums are alright... I like green severums better... red severums are also nice.. you might be able to find a rotkeil severum - wild type.. sometimes called a necktie seveum..

I'd go with a green or red if you can find them. They max out at around 8''.. pretty round.
Thanks mate. :good:

Im not really sure on what kind but im pretty sure i want a severum. I really like the fish. And i think they will go good with my bala's. I just usually ask other peoples opinions befor i do something, just a habit lol.

Thanks again, all sugestions of fish to go with my balas are welcome!

Lol, i know about the oscar... but i already have oscars in other tanks. they are my favorite fish to keep. :good:
hey m8 sorry, didnt see your question.

The tank is 50 inches long 36 wide 36 high.
Can anyone calculate that, in my head i think it comes to around 280 something?


I love the shape of the tank. Never seen one quite like it, and it is great for the fish i keep, or want. As for cleaning it, well thats not quite fun. but its worth it to keep a tank this big.

Thanks for the calculation sylvia. i knew i was close! lol

i would definatly go for the red necked, just got some in and they are fantastic. If not red spotted are quite cool.
Bala sharks will be fine as they are very fast swimmers. I have a very large tank with 3 Red Necked Severums which also houses two young Silver sharks. The Severums have now grown to over four inches and one is going for the the Silver Sharks every now and again but isn't coming close to getting them. My advice would be to buy a group of small Severums and grow them on buy which time the Bala Sharks will have alos grown a bit.
Other good companions for Red Necked Severums are
All the varieties of Silver Dollars, Rainbow fish, Angel Fish, Geo and GymnoGeophagus species, Denison Barbs, Clown loach.
Check out for a few pics of my fish. Only a few as i am still putting the site together.

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