Have Not Been On In Years!


Fish Crazy
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
Just got back into tropical fish, after a long few years off! Look forward to being active, and posting new pics once my plants grow in :)
Also would like to change my user name, lol, oh to be 14 again.

Welcome back, don't think I'd like to be 14 again, if I could choose late twenties would be my choice
Look forwards to hearing more about your tanks soon.
BTW don't think would want to be 14 again, early twenties would be kinda cool :p
Welcome back.
14 sounds good, I wouldn't have a bad back, bad knees, glasses, and I would still have hair!
Welcome back. This hobby is one I find I alway come back too. 
Spyderdf said:
Just got back into tropical fish, after a long few years off! Look forward to being active, and posting new pics once my plants grow in

Also would like to change my user name, lol, oh to be 14 again.

I'd like to be 14 again, but only if I could keep the last 30 years' experience.
About your user name, sorry, board policy is that we don't allow name changes, with a post count as high as yours.
Yes, exactly keep the experience tho. And the tattoos!

That's a shame I can't change my name, for my first post in over 5 years hah. Oh well, I will have to deal with it I suppose.
Thanks for the warm welcome

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