Very Very Agressive Neons


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
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I have 7 neon tetras alone and there the most aggresive fish ive ever seen, they chase each other relentlesly and appear to be doing something that looks like what might be fighting, They flash around eachother STABBING AND RAMMING. The once peaceful school has erupted into an all out brawl. Theres one fat one they seem to be leaving alone and just rubbing up against, is he sick and there leaving him alone?
i have caught mine literally spinning around fighting eachother!!! they were so close flipping around eachother. Qute entertaining, lol

No problems so far though
Thats what mine are doing there like a little tornado when they start fighting lol
they are prolly establishing a pecking order, nothing to worry about. Keep an eye out to see if any are seriouslly injured. I doubt their will be any but their is always a chance

hmm... pecking order, perhaps... sounds like spawning behavior to me. I've read that tetras are notoriously hard to actually breed, but that doesn't mean they won't act out if a females got eggs.

also, the only way i know of sexing tetras is that the females are usually rounder in the stomach area, whereas males are more concave, which explain why they are simply flicking against this "fat' tetra and not attacking it as well.

My black neons do this on occasion as the girl-boy ratio is off (though it's far easier to see the difference in them than regular neons). They rip into each other time and will flick and rub against the female whenever they manage to get her alone. They'll stop eventually, though, and then their fins will heal. But if you notice any fish looking dangerously stressed or injured, you should try to seperate it.

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