I Cant Find My Yoyo Loach...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2006
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man i read stories that they hide but...in my tank theres really only 2 places to hide n i lifted them up n saw no traces of him...the rocks r 2 big for him to burrow in i think....im lookin on the floor n i cant find him there either...
Do you have sand? I don't know about yoyo loaches, but I know khuli loaches bury themselves right in.
i have little rocks he is about 2 inches..

i see him now...added al il food in the tank he came rite ouyt...damn where the hell was he that was crazy..
Yoyo's will bury them-selves under almost any type of 'floor' you put down. Whe i had mine i had big pebbles and they would just go crazy and bury themselves under the pebbles. But then i got sand and it was much better for them and easier for them to burrow without hureting themselves.
Do make sure that you have the tank completly covered. My Yo-Yo's have an adorable habit of playing right at the edge of the filter in the spout. They jump up and slide down like a waterslide. One jumped too far the other day so Ive since built an extra little hood to keep the others from doing the same.
im really stocked but im thinkin bout addin 1 more yoyo....so he has a lil company...but him n the rtbs n becomin good tank mates..there sharin a cave peacefully until i get some pvc 2morro

i took out my old cave cus the petrified wood might be causing my water to change colors (tints of green) brb dinner time...eating opaline gouramis.

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