Search results

  1. C

    Powerhead Position For Tank

    If you take the water from the bottom of the tank at the opposite end from the spray bar then you will get better water circulation and so bettr filtration. There will be fewer dead spots. Cheers, Chris
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    Java Moss

    The moss you got with your Gecko tank is more than like Spagnum (sp) Moss and not Java Moss. If it is, then no, it will not grow in your tank. Hope this helps, Chris
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    Glass Catfish - Antennae Shorter

    If I were you, I'd check your water parameters. Glass Cats are quite delicate and their barbels goings white and disappearing is the firsyt sign of stress. Also, they should be kept in groups of about 6 or more (correct me if I'm wrong). They are also susceptible to bacterial infection as well...
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    Snow Kind Panaque Pl*co?

    What about what signature? Chris
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    Snow Kind Panaque Pl*co?

    They are mostly adults. I am assuming that yours is in the pic called 'Spot', if so, he looks just like mine did a year ago. Chris
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    On Ebay L-number Plec

    I think I'd go with the L066. Pattern is to coarse for a queen arabesqu... I think. Chris
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    Snow Kind Panaque Pl*co?

    Sorry for the late reply. But that little (for now) fella looks just like my L001 did when he was young. Have a look at this chap He'll get to about 8 inch, which mine is currently at, and he'll get there quite quickly. Chris
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    Snow Kind Panaque Pl*co?

    Does it bear any resemblance to this little fella? Might be worth having a look through Planet Catfish Good luck Chris
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    Snow Kind Panaque Pl*co?

    Planet catfish has some other info is this "little" fella. He may end up quite big. Snow King Pleco That link is for the Snow King Pleco, is yours the pleco or the Panaque? As they are different species, most Panaque get large though. Chris
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    My Pepper! Update: He's Showing Improvement

    Hi. Sorry to hear about your problem. I had an outbreak of columnaris about 6 months ago. Wouldn't wish it on any fish keeper. Lost most of my fish. The most affected one was Striped Rafael, but he pulled through, must be hard as nails. It took just over 2 months to get shut of the problem...
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    Info On Suncats

    Is this the fella? Planet Catfish Sun Catfish If so, I hope you got a nice large tank for him to go in :D Hope this helps, Chris
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    Epileptic Plecs?

    Hmmm, not sure about this. You could touch them and they just carried on "fitting". They oblivious as to what was going on around them. One ended up upside-down, so I put him the right side up next to some bog wood, made no attempt to swim off or hide or anything really, just kept twitching in...
  13. C

    Epileptic Plecs?

    Well, I went over to my mum's house tonight to do her weekly water change for her. She has two Yogi Plecs (AKA Guimares Silver Pleco) both of which are about 4 inches long and very active aways coming out for food etc. Anyway, before doing the water change, made sure everything was in order with...
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    Hi. The pic you've poated is a Hillstream Loach, it's not actually a catfish. Check out the link below: Hillstream Loach Chris
  15. C

    I can't help it!!

    Fishworld near manchester may still have some L255... that's where I got my pair from :D Chris
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    my new big panaque !!

    I don't really, except for the odd bit of live food. So where would you recemmend? Very nice fish Chris
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    my new big panaque !!

    Hi OP... how's it going? Is that the Royal from A....S...... in Harwood? Nice buy. Chris
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    Kuhli hanging out at top of tank

    Could it be velvet??? I think its usually a bit smaller than ich and is yellow looking. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Hope the little fella is ok. :thumbs: Chris
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    ID Mr Catfish...

    I have a thought... I've got an L001 (Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus) and it looks like your fella (or lass) there. The pictures on planet catfish show the marking clearly. :kana: Chris
  20. C

    RTC on Ebay.... Not Good.

    I think LFS's should not be allowed to sell such fish unless the purchaser can provide proof of having the at the minimum size of tank to home such a potentially large fish. If you lived in a block of flats, you wouldn't buy a pet donkey to keep at home. :thumbs: May be some form of...
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    RTC on Ebay.... Not Good.

    Saw this today on Ebay... made me sick, as the seller obviously does not know what he is selling. :no: :no: :no: For Sale Chris
  22. C

    bristlenose or peppermint

    Or you could do what I did and have the best of both worlds... get a pair of L255. They were sold as Bristlenose Peppermint Plecs. They are so cool. My male has the biggest beard I have seen. Will try and get some pics. :thumbs: Have a look HERE Chris
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    One for the Plec fans...

    I would be inclined to agree with Ryan on this one... defo looks like a Flash to me... I used to have one. :cool: Chris
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    Zebra plecos - Found some...

    Is there a website to this place? Link? :dunno: Do they sell to the genral public or is it just wholesale? Cheers Chris
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    Cold Cathode Moon Light

    Bought loads of stuff from ebuyer... pretty much everything PC wise and never had any problems whatsoever. And of course, they are pretty hard to beat on price. Might go for a pair of 4" blue and a pair of 4" UV.... what do you think? As long as I can my plecs... I'll be :) Wouldn't mind...
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    Cold Cathode Moon Light

    Even cheaper cold cathode kits from Ebuyer... 2 x 12" under a fiver... HERE Can't grumble... Gonna have to do this then I can watch my plecs at night :kana: Chris I really should read all the posts before replying... sorry :dunno:
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    Dragon Goby not feeding

    I have one at about 10" and he eats anything. Quite lucky really by the sounds of it. :D As soon as I feed the fish he comes and joins in. He even eats algae tabs and tetra's mixed tabs. Takes them in his mouth and sort of chews/sucks on them for a few seconds,, spits it out and then takes it...
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    The new plecs

    Congratulations... hope they do well. I lost mine 2 weeks ago... :( Get the fourth and enjoy. Chris
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    what type of plec is this

    Could also be the Glyptoperichthys joselimaianus or L001/L022. Same as the gibby but light spots on dark background instead. Hope this helps. Chris
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    blue eyed plec/panaque

    Have a look here on Planet Catfish Enjoy :kana: Chris
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    what is my pleco???

    May be an L001??? Check it out on planet catfish. There seems to be a lot of them about at the moment. Chris
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    Help with ID?

    Mine just seems to glide through the water most of the time... effortlessly. Next thing you know, he/she gives a swift waft of the tail and it's gone. And it eats like a horse. Mine is about 6 inches long (without tail) now, and it doesn't look like it'll stop at 8 inches. Loves Hakiri? Algae...
  33. C

    Help with ID?

    L001... have a look HERE.. It is a sort of spotty version of the gibbiceps. Chris P.S. I have one... he/she is cool. He has grown about 3 1/2 inches in 3 months ;)
  34. C

    Need some names of catfish's

    What about a Hoplo / Armoured Catfish... They are ok in the light, but not sure if he would become dinner, they only get to about 6 inches. Mine is out all day looking for food and rooting around in the substrate. Chris
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    Leporacanthicus galaxias L007

    Have a look at Planet Catfish for more info. I have a L007 and its cool.... he is a bit of a smooth character. :P Chris
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    Hope everything turns out ok... i'm keeping them crossed for ya Chris
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    Hi... I know this is off topic but... is that piccy of your " clown" pleco? If it is, then it doesn't look like a clown pleco to me. These are Clown Plecs... It looks more like a Sailfin Pleco... maybe someone can confirm this. Chris
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    tandanus catfish

    Have a look here for the Tandanus Catfish Hope this helps :D Chris
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    Breeding Ghost Shrimp

    Have a look here for more shrimpy info. I have a couple of Ghost shrimp, and i've seen them with eggs a few times, but nothing ever comes of it. -_- Maybe next time. :whistle: Chris
  40. C

    quick question on EHEIM 2026

    Hi, I have a 2026. I thought they were rated up to a 77 gallon tank? I may be worng, but it may be a bit small for your tank. Make sure there are no air lock in the hose before turning it back on. Hope this helps. Chris