If anyone out there is looking at getting a red tail, ours is 5" long and is currently in a 7ft x 2ft x 2ft tank.
Within 3 months this will be upgraded to a 8 x 3 x 2, and eventually he will need a tank ( with the other cats we have) minimum of 12ft x 5ft x 4ft!!!
It has just cost us an extra £3000 above the normal price of a concrete floor to have it strong enough and suitable to take a tank that size and weight.
That is before you consider the price of the tank itself. A beautiful fish all the same but very very specialist and i agree that some form of legislation or certification should be in place for people to own one of these. Unless a very specialist shop, such as Wharf Aquatics which advise on all of the large fish, the best thing to do, is to openly tell the fish stores your opinion on them selling these fish. Having no consideration for the fish. It is only by people action that anything will get done, if people refuse to deal with these shops they will soon get the message.
Clare and Karl