Breeding Ghost Shrimp

hey drobbins im not sure if you saw my other post about the ghost shrimp but my lfs said they are difficult to breed and most adults are lost in the process now i dont know how much of this is correct but i have been getting my fish there for sometime and he is very knowledgable. i am going there today ill try o get you some specs
I'd say that the guy at the lfs is right.

I had 2 shrimp with eggs and they both died a few days after losing the eggs. I say losing because I didn't see any eggs or young shrimp.

You could probably set up a tank without substrate with a bunch of shrimp. Or you could get shrimp for your other tanks and let them breed. You'll know when they have eggs because they're clearly visible.
You then move the shrimp to the other tank which should be cycled and have a sponge filter. Once she lays her eggs, move the shrimp back.

This is all speculation, but that's all I can think of. :dunno:
Any new information on this topic? I've been searching the net on info on how to breed these guys as I currently pay 65 cents (Canadian) per shirmp. So far I have only found lots of information on Brine Shrimp and thats about it.

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to grow these little guys.
the best way to breed them is to keep them in a species or small breeding tank (a tiny tank will do just fine as long as the temp is around 75-78 steady)
i would keep SEVERAL (5-10) together
then you are sure that you have both sexes
have lots of hiding places and dense plant matter to chose from (the smaller the enterance the more secure they feel)
let them do their own thing and keep your fingers crossed :lol:
when they put down the eggs you will have just under a month before they hatch (or so i've heard, i've never seen the eggs)
when they do hatch they will be very tiny versions of their parents
you should then return the rest of the shrimp (not mummy or the babies on her belly) to your tank/ bowl
you'll have to feed them minute algae, or liquifeed food for fry.
in the first 24 hours they will go through their first molt, where alot of them don't make it :/ ,
water changes are crucial, and must be done more regularly but with great cation
whoever survives the first few weeks usually will make it to adulthood
and so the cycle continues :D
I've had 2 of my females lay eggs twice for a total of four times but they were eaten by the tetras both times. They laid the eggs in a bundle in my rainbow rock. If I knew they were hard to breed I would have kept the eggs. I've actually watched my female lay them. It's very neat.
Have a look here for more shrimpy info.

I have a couple of Ghost shrimp, and i've seen them with eggs a few times, but nothing ever comes of it. -_-

Maybe next time. :whistle:

can't be too hard to breed em. Everytime I buy them lately they're full of eggs though they never last long ehough to lay them not with nemo hunting them.

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