Leporacanthicus galaxias L007


New Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Phoenix Arizona
I just purchased one of these plecos and it is quite pretty.He or she is housed with a Gold bristlenose.I have allways had some kind of pleco like the commons( got a big black 7 years old), just recently I have gotten more diverse.I have so far been successful with the Goldbristles,Clown pleco and have a Gold nugget, all are in different tanks,except the new guy and a Bristlenose, will they get along do you think ? !, and was told very adamently(?able spelling) that they need very soft water.I have been told that on all these plecos and most generaly ignored the advice and they seem fine.All my fish are cichlids and the newest pleco's are about 2 years old.The only pleco in semi soft water is the Gold nugget,as I filter with peat and had tetra blackwater,tankmates checkerboards and angels.Other fish are Africans ,so water is at 7.8 ph out of tap( I dont add nothing but dechorinater) so this guy is in hard water.If is bad and will kill him in the long run I will get a new tank or can I put him with the Gold nugget, I have heard them to be aggressive to other plecos, thats why with goldbristle.Thanks for your replies.

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