Snow Kind Panaque Pl*co?


New Member
Nov 9, 2005
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I bought this little bugger a month ago, and I swear, he's grown an inch. He eats Hikari troipcal algae wafers, and HBH sinking shrimp pellets. Planet catfish is how I IDed him, put they only had a picture. Can anyone give me some info? :p
Planet catfish has some other info is this "little" fella. He may end up quite big.

Snow King Pleco

That link is for the Snow King Pleco, is yours the pleco or the Panaque? As they are different species, most Panaque get large though.

Mine was supposed to be the Panaque. Except, now, I am beggining to think that he is a completely differenk pleco now. He has spots for one thing,. And at times that sre golden, and at other times they are snow-white. BUT, the spots start out small and clustered, then slowly seperating and growing fewer and larger, until the caudal pdenle. The on the Tail, it goes from spots to vertical stripes. Then there is a slight sword-taliish extension on the bottom of his tail. I have a vizio 6.3 megapixel camera that hasn't been good at all for aquatic photography. I really like this little bugger, and I'd like to know all that I can know about him. :D
Very Very similar, except his head seems more flatted and streamlined. And his tail is different. Also, his dorsal fin has randomized blotches, and where it is not blotched, is almost perfectly transparent. :X

BUT, I finnaly got 3 half decent pictures, will I will post soon.
I added another pic that shows his fins and body better. I really need to know how big he gets and his species.
Sorry for the late reply. But that little (for now) fella looks just like my L001 did when he was young. Have a look at this chap

He'll get to about 8 inch, which mine is currently at, and he'll get there quite quickly.

Are those fish adults, because he doesn't much look like that. I am trying for more pics. :S
They are mostly adults. I am assuming that yours is in the pic called 'Spot', if so, he looks just like mine did a year ago.

Yes, you assumed correctly. I hope that is what he is.

And about the signature...?
OK, about 3 other sites agreed, he's an L001. Is There a common name?

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