Search results

  1. Jonz

    How Many Female Betta Together ?

    I needed break from fish and tanks for awhile and put some lizards in what used to be my sorority tank. I do miss my female bettas.
  2. Jonz

    Omg Jumping!

    Neither fish that jumped ever seemed hurt. I put them back in and they went about her busniess gobbling up food.
  3. Jonz

    Omg Jumping!

    It was unavoidable. It was one or two that did it and always when I would open the cover lid to feed a sorority of females (ranging 10 -15) Quite a few times,they would jump at the food and often flip right out of the tank. It didnt happen all the time. But thanks for insulting me.
  4. Jonz

    Where Do You Put Your Betta When You Are Changing Their Space?

    "I scoop him up from the tank in the tiny cup I bought him in." x2. I kept a bunch of mine and have enough to store them temp if I needed to do a complete change.
  5. Jonz

    Yellow Bettas - Where Are They Coming From?

    Anyone else in the notice a significant increase in yellow Bettas? I came back from vacation to loose 4 girls to dropsy. While looking around to restock I went to 4 stores. 3 had multiple yellow male Bettas. I've never seen so many available before. Wish I had room, I would have grabbed a...
  6. Jonz

    Omg Jumping!

    Ive had females jump right out fo the water and fall down to the capret below, over a 4 foot drop. Just pick them up and put them back in. Some are jumpers :)
  7. Jonz

    Fat Bellies And Peas

    If you feed your Betta pellets its easy to trick them. Just rip the pea up and then roll it into tiny pieces the size of their pellets and drop them in. He'll think its his normal food and gobble them up.
  8. Jonz

    Ok Now I Am Feeling So Left Out!

    I work in fishkill and have found some really nice Bettas, male and female, in the Petco in Poughkeepsie.
  9. Jonz

    Ernie Has Moved Into His New Tank

    What are his tankmates? Ive had females in with tetras,catfish and even kissing gourami, but the only sure thing Ive seen for males are Corys. One thing you need to do is watch them with the lights down. I remember watching my old Betta with some danios and he was fine. I turned off the...
  10. Jonz

    Thanks For Voting. My Betta's New Name Is Ernie :)

    :drool: Very nice vibrant colors.
  11. Jonz


    I have a female whos jumped out when I have the top open for feeding at least a half dozen times. Its a 30 gallon so its got to be over 4 feet down to the carpet. I pick her up and put her back in and she goes about her business as usual, scarfing down as much food as she can.
  12. Jonz

    Aging Betta?

    My guy has been resting at the top of he tank near the filration lately. Its something Ive never seen him do before. he also seems a bit more irritable lately, and Im wondering if his time is coming Ive had him about a year and half now. Hes been a healthy fish, no illness at all the entire time...
  13. Jonz

    Is This A Suitable Tank

    Ive had Bettas in 3 gallons, because I wanted to save a couple extra. They seemed pretty happy. Small tanks are ok temporarily, but IMHO they should live in 5 gallon tanks. 5 gallons are very easy to maintain and dont take up alot of room.
  14. Jonz

    Empty 10gallon Tank Has Got Me Thinking About Bettas..

    Is Petco in Canada? They sell females. The one near me has the nicest store Bettas Ive ever seen. Its where I got the one in my avatar. You can put a few females in a 10 gallon. I had 5 in one. Theyre going to fight at first to create a pecking order and then they should get along fine. I would...
  15. Jonz

    Check These Beautiful Guys Out ....rare?

    3 for $15 from a Mom&Pop pet store I go to on the way home from work. Theyre little guys, a bit bigger than Cory size. I asked if he could get more and he said he didnt know. This was the first batch hes ever gotten. I can check back and get their name next week.
  16. Jonz

    Check These Beautiful Guys Out ....rare?

    The guy told me they were a hybrid fish, new to him and his store. Really cool looking. Love the spotted heads.
  17. Jonz

    My New Little Betta

  18. Jonz

    Algea Problem

    How many hours a day is the light on in your tank. Once I started doing 4 and 5 hours with a timer all my algae problems disappeared.
  19. Jonz


    I do like yellow on bettas and have dying to get one with some purple. Beautiful fish
  20. Jonz


    Nutrafin with the yeast and sugar combo. Plants growing like weeds. Every 3 weeks or so I get very small green spots here and there, but just wipe them away. I havent had a bad algae problem since april and am loving it. CO2, some fast growing plants and limiting light to 4 or 5 hour...
  21. Jonz

    My Bettas

    :good: :good:
  22. Jonz

    What Food Brand Do You Guys Recommend?

    Also for peas and those stubborn Bettas. If you break the pea apart and then squish into the size of their pellets, theyll just think its one of their pellets and eat them. I have a bunch of girls in a community tank and they started eating the flake I dropped in for the other fish after...
  23. Jonz

    Can I Add A Betta To My Community Tank?

    Females seem to get along ok with Gouramis. I have several females in with 2 kissing Gs with no problems at all! Males, I dont think so. The only thing Ive found will work with males completely safely are Corys.
  24. Jonz

    Finally, Pics Of My Moody Little Guy!

    Nice. The blues and reds are my favorite. Dont you love the tempermental little buggers.
  25. Jonz


    :( Condolences. I noticed yesterday my oldest girl is dying. So I took her out of the tank and put her in a small bowl to go peacefully and without aggitation from the other tankmates.
  26. Jonz

    Acceptable betta tankmates

    Back in Feb I started up a new tank. A 30 Gallon. Heres whats in it, without incident... 7 Female Bettas 3 Cory Catfish 2 Kissing gouramis 2 small Silvertip Catfish 6 Small tetras (whos exact name escapes me right now) Ive watched these guys for endless hours, they all occupy the same areas...
  27. Jonz

    I Just Keep Going Back :)

    Yea Ive started getting other fish a bit as well, but it didnt take long for me to start looking back at bettas. Easily my favorite fish.
  28. Jonz

    Females In A Community?

    I have 8 females with Corys and something else I cant remember right now :unsure: No problems.
  29. Jonz

    The Best Of Aquabid

    Wow, and Im proud of my Betta, these are gorgeous fish. Im have to give these guys a try when its comes to getting some new Bettas.
  30. Jonz

    Lets See Your Crowntails

  31. Jonz

    Fin Repair

    Ive never had that problem because once the top opens they swarm up to me because they know its feeding time. So nothing I drop in ever sinks to the bottom :D Just hold youre hand there and Betta should come up ready to chow down and drop it right in front of him, he should gobble it up...
  32. Jonz

    10g Betta Setup

    The ONLY thing Id put in a 10G with a Betta is 3 cory catfish.
  33. Jonz

    Help! I Think My Girl Is Sick...

    If its dropsy... Also maybe constipation. How much do you feed her? A couple pellets is really all she needs. I would feed her peas. itll help if its constipation. Boil the pea, skin it, then break of a small piece and roll it into a...
  34. Jonz

    Fin Repair

    With the peas..... Peel them, then break them apart into VERY small tiny pieces. Then roll it into a ball, the same size as his pellet. Youll trick him into thinking its his normal pellet food.
  35. Jonz

    My Betta Just Got His Fins Nipped :(

    IMHO you shoudl get a 5G. Theyre very cheap,dont take up alot fo room,easy to maintain and the Betta will be much happier.
  36. Jonz

    Heating A 1.5 Gallon?

    I saw some really small heaters in Petco the other day. I think they were 5 or 7 watt, dont remember
  37. Jonz

    Silver-tipped Shark

    I got the silver tipped - but there was no mention of him needing salt. I read that here. I went back to the shop to get something else and asked about the silver tipped again when I got there. They told me some aquarium salt would be all the silver tipped required. I wondered how that would...
  38. Jonz

    Green Algea Has Appeared

    If none of the above, are you keeping your light on for too many hours out of the day?
  39. Jonz

    Silver-tipped Shark

    Since I Was at the pet store I asked the owner about these fish. She said just a bit of salt is enough to make them happy and it wouldnt affect the other fish, in fact the other fish(Barbs swordtails) would be happier as well. She told me 1/2 teaspoon for every 5 Gs(instead of the full)...
  40. Jonz

    Constipated Blue Dwarf

    Constipated? All mine does is poop! Seriously everytime I look in the tank, hes got a poop string hanging down. :blush: