Where Do You Put Your Betta When You Are Changing Their Space?


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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If they are in smaller spaces (2-5g) and you do 100% changes
Normally in the 90l I would just syphon off for changes, so the fish stay where they are
Could I pop him in a breeding trap in the main tank whilst I change his water? Would that stress him out at all?
If they are in smaller spaces (2-5g) and you do 100% changes
Normally in the 90l I would just syphon off for changes, so the fish stay where they are
Could I pop him in a breeding trap in the main tank whilst I change his water? Would that stress him out at all?

i just pop them in a yogert pot (muller light usualy) with the lid off an old king brittish food tub, fits nicely
mine goes in a tupperware container I got especially for him. I think it's better to keep them in the same tank water while changing his water so the temp and pH is the same, though this is just my assumption, not really based on anything.
mine go in a glass jar in their tank water and I put them near another betta so they can have a quick flare :hyper: :hyper: I then float them in a yogurt pot for 30 minutes before replacing them. I go round in order doing this but the other day I got distracted and am sure one got cleaned out twice! :crazy:
Mine stays in the tank, I syphon out and then gently pour the water over the bridge or over the filter depending what tank I am doing.
when i do a small change i leave him where he is, for a 100% change i fill up a bucket of dechlored water and get it to near the same temp then add the fish and a few of his bits of decoration then go about cleaning the tank, siphon some of the fresh water into the tank, then add him back with is decoration and top up the tank
that sure sounds more complicated than it is to do lol

"I scoop him up from the tank in the tiny cup I bought him in."

x2. I kept a bunch of mine and have enough to store them temp if I needed to do a complete change.
I am like most every one else, I put him in a small plastic food container that I got just for this purpose--it holds about twice as much water as what I bought him in and then I scoop out most of the water and then take the 5 gallon and the rest of the water left in it and rinse it out 5 or 6 times. I don't use rocks at present time so it's a heck of a lot easier to do water changes now. I then take water and add back into tank, clean ornament and silk plants and wait til water is within around 2 degrees of what his water was then put him back in.
i bought a betta condo so i put four at a time in their little cubes and they get to flare at each other for a bout a hr and they love it!!!
I wouldn't put him in the main tank. Bettas are suseptible to diseases, and you would risking him catching something. Also, the pH and other stats could be quite different in a cycled tank. I put mine in a plastic container with a lid, leaving some space for air above the water line. You could give him a little bit of food to pass the time.

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