Empty 10gallon Tank Has Got Me Thinking About Bettas..


Oct 19, 2006
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British Columbia, Canada
I would love to have bettas in my 10 gallon tank...only thing is, it's not in direct sunlight...but pretty close to it so in the summer it gets green water, so it's eitehr i do 25-50% water changes everyother day to keep it clean or i don't do anything with it this summer, but i would also really LOVE to have a female betta tank....maybe 5 or 6 of them? problem: my lfs, none of the three of them sell females...and i'm not aloud to buy fish off the internet, so this kind of sucks...they get them...but rarely, and i would like to have more than just one betta in there...so having a male wouldn't work,n should i just wait till they do get females? and then this way summer will probably be over and i won't have the green water problem, suggestions please!!!
If you have problems with green water here is a possible solution. Get some live willow branches and let them stand upright in the aquarium. Make sure all the lower leaves are stripped off, as the willow roots it will soak up a lot of the nutrients that cause the green water. You can trim the roots if you feel you need to. Another thing you can do is use excel by seachem. It produces the same effect as CO2 so becareful you don't want to overdose you tank. I say go for the betta tank either way a lone male. divided, or an all girl tank. Get at least 4 so the aggression is spread. I know most local fish stores will have a list of fish they can order, you might try to ask them to order you what you want.
Why not divide the 10 gallon and get two bettas. You can also add shrimp and african dwarf frogs with them.

Here's a link to a thread on divided tanks.
I highly approve of the betta sorority tank idea!!!

Isn't there any way you can move some furniture around so your tank is out of the sunlight?
i'm not aloud the 10 gallon tank out of my room..because i kind of overtook the house with other tanks, so this one has to stay in my room...and on one wall i've got a GIANT window...almost the whole wall, so yah, pretty mucht he whole room gets plenty of sunlight.. but i think i'll try that willow thing thankyou joycould. i wish i could get AFD, but my brother said he'll flush them down the toilet ahah...so i don't want to chance it. i'm going to c heck the stores again for females, and ask them if they ever do get them in stock or not. if they don't then i think i'll go with one or two male bettas and if it's two, i'll divide the tank up.
why not make a low stands and put it under the window? if there isnt anything there.Why not split into 2,3 or 4? if you have it dived into 2 then you could maybe have a adf in each or maybe a few shrimps or snails depending on the aggression of the male,Or have a sonority of 6 females? even numbers are betta :good:
The only way it would fit under the window is if it was directly on the ground, and that definetly won't be happening.
I'm thinking about dividing it into 2, but i'm not sure, i would love to have a sonority of females...but they just aren't getting any good bettas in my lfs.
They only order what the manager wants them to order, and what seems to be bought the most, because they "supposivly" need to buy at elast 20 of each? or something like that.
well i'm sure they won't have a problem selling the ones you don't have, especially if they don't usually have them in
Could try out other stores, i know walmart here has female bettas X_X
but if anything i would quarantine hthe females 1st serpartely in small tanks or jars.
Is there any way you could cover the back and sides of the tank so it wouldn't be exposed to the sun? If you do decide to do the sorority tank, try to get spawn siblings who have been raised together. Lessens the chances of aggression since they've all been brought up together. You "could" get away w/ 7 in a 10g. I know that technically it's overstocking but I've found that larger, odd numbered groups of girls evens out any aggression, plus they aren't lil' poop machines like plecos or oscars. HTH! :)
Is Petco in Canada? They sell females. The one near me has the nicest store Bettas Ive ever seen. Its where I got the one in my avatar.

You can put a few females in a 10 gallon. I had 5 in one. Theyre going to fight at first to create a pecking order and then they should get along fine. I would recommend 5 females. As other have said, it evens out the aggression a bit. But past the first few days of getting to know each other, I havent seen my females at each other since. Theyre always huddled together and it funny to see them lined up against the glass when they see me standing around and theyre hungry.

Just make sure they have places to go and chill out.

Ive had Redeyed tetras, and cory catfish in with females forever.

The ONLY thing I would put in with males is cory catfish.

I realize this thread is a bit old, but if you havent made up your mind, heres a coupel pics to help persuade you....


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