Fat Bellies And Peas


Fish Herder
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Exeter, Devon
Hi all, i have a fat male betta i have only had him a couple of days and he now seems to be bloated. I have heard mention of using cooked shelled peas so i droped half of one in last night and it sunk to the bottom. Well it was still there this morning and he was still a little porker.

BTW by peas i took it to be garden peas is that right?
yeah garden peas, you need to mush it up or they tend not to touch it! they help with constipation so will only have some effect if that is why he is bloated
Yes, mush or cut them up and make sure the outside shell is off and only the mushy part is in the water. he should go right after them! if this doesn't work after a day or so then I would add a tiny bit of epsom salt. it works every time for my little ones.
Should i cut down oh his food for a couple of days?not that he seems to be eating it. That must be where i went wrong with the pea as i didn't mush it. I will try again tonight after i have done a water change.

i'm a little worried it could be more than bloat but it has come up rather fast, so i don't think it will be a tumor, is there any thing else it could be? Will a bit of Melafix help?

Sorry about the questions but i have never had a fat betta before
If you feed your Betta pellets its easy to trick them.

Just rip the pea up and then roll it into tiny pieces the size of their pellets and drop them in.

He'll think its his normal food and gobble them up.

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