My New Little Betta


Fish Addict
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everyone.. I havnt been on for a while. Hope everyone is well.. ^_^
Me and my fishes are fine.. :good:
Last week when I was out at a lfs I noticed they had lots of new bettas in.. I decided to have a look around..(not that I was planning on buying anything).. Nearly all of the bettas looked well, their fins looked good,good colouring on them.. Until I noticed 1 poor little betta, he had been put into a tank with lots of gouramis and he didnt look happy, he was flaring up every minute and his tail was torn up a bit.. :crazy: :angry:
My friend was with me and she has wanted a betta for a while, so she had a look around and picked a lovely betta that was in good form.. I decided I had to rescue this little guy that was with the gouramis. My friend was like " you dont want that 1 do you " ..
So home I came with my new pretty boy. He is blue with a little hint of green and a little red aswell. He is doing great so far, eating like a pig :lol: and has built a little bubble nest.. Im so happy I rescued him when I saw him.. :nod: x
Here is a pic of my new betta..Its not very good a bit blurry.. It gives you a little idea to what colour he is though..


Here is his bubble nest..Im impressed.. :hyper:


And here is my older betta Charlie.. Flaring at me.. :shout:


Thanks for looking..
Good to see you back Heather. ;)
Great job on rescuing him, he's gorgeous! :wub:
well done you for rescuing him. I hae just nipped into a pet shop and they have new bettas one lovely boy was in with guppies, and looked unhappy. I might have to keep an eye on him!
Thanks everyone.. Its hard not to rescue them Liz isnt it? Usually the shop I go to are good with their fish , So I was surprised to find him in with the gouramis.. :blink:
I will have to give him a name .. Any ideas anyone... :good:

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