

Jun 28, 2007
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Well I'm sad to say but my :wub: lovly deep red boy is dead. His name was Sea King. I will miss him because he was the one who started my love of fish. I think I may take a break for a while. :-( :rip: :byebye:
Well I'm sad to say but my :wub: lovly deep red boy is dead. His name was Sea King. I will miss him because he was the one who started my love of fish. I think I may take a break for a while. :-( :rip: :byebye:

My heart goes out to you in sorrow on your loss. I can hear how much you love Sea King just by the way you talk about him. I love these fish, yet it is always so hard to lose them---because it's so easy to become attached.

I send you hugs and prayers and comfort in your sorrow. Trust your heart as to when you're ready to parent another fish.


:rip: Sea King
i am so sorry sunpirate2u.

i hope you will reflect on the wonderful times you shared with sea king.

peace be with you both.

gareth :sad:
:rip: Sea King

we become attached to these little guys, so sorry for your loss
:( Condolences.

I noticed yesterday my oldest girl is dying. So I took her out of the tank and put her in a small bowl to go peacefully and without aggitation from the other tankmates.
:rip: Sea King
ruler of the tank, may the way to the big
aquarium in the sky be paved with gold
and rose petals be thrown to your fins.
:thanks: for all the kind words. I put Sea King in a bowl too. He was more than half dead by then. I think I feel better after yesterday :look: . I will continue to post :good: . I loved having a betta so, I am going to get another. This time in its own tank. My brother also will get his own. ;)

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